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Independent experts nominated by country party

Bernard Lacaze

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Information Systems
Environmental Sciences
Thematic Areas
UN languages spoken


Job function
ingénieur de recherche CNRS
Telephone number
00 33 662859548
Work experience
- DeMon: An integrated approach to Mediterranean land degradation mapping and monitoring by remote sensing (coordinator B. LACAZE): contract CEC DG XII, 1992-1995._x000D_
- Demon2: An integrated approach to assess and monitor desertification processes in the mediterranean basin (coordinator J. Hill): contact CEC DG XII, 1996-1998._x000D_
- MODEM-RSM: Remote Sensing based analysis of regional and local dynamics linked with water balance and carbon assimilation modelling: Contract CEC DG Research and JRC/SAI/EGEO, 1999-2000._x000D_
- Integrated study of the Argan tree forest (South West Morocco) with remote-sensing and GIS, contract ADS(Morocco) and EC_x000D_
Thematic areas: Remote Sensing, Desertification, Land degradation, Land cover change, Land use change, Vegetation change, Vegetation degradation, Soil degradation, Drought, Environmental monitoring, Integrated resources management
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. (Dr-Ing. Thesis), University of Montpellier, France, 1975
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Lacaze B. & Bergès J. -C., 2006 – Contribution of Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) imagery to drought early warning. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Processing in the Assessment and Monitoring of Land Degradation and Desertification, Trier, Germany, 7-9 September 2005 (A. Röder & J; Hill eds), pp. 406-412. (cf.
2 Chikhaoui M., Bonn F., Merzouk A., Lacaze B., Mejjati A. M., 2007. Cartographie de la dégradation des sols à l’aide des approches du Spectral Angle Mapper et des indices spectraux en utilisant des données ASTER. Télédétection, 7, 349-363. _x000D_
3. Smiej M. F., Lacaze B., El Aboudi A., Layelmam M., 2010. Etude du milieu naturel de l’arganeraie de la région de Tamanar : cartographie et estimation de la densité de l’arganier par télédétection spatiale. GéoObservateur, 18, 1-18. _x000D_
4. Chikhaoui M., Merzouk A., Lacaze B., Madramootoo C. A., 2010. Etude de la dégradation des sols en milieu semi-aride à l’aide de l’approche neuronale et de données multisources. Télédétection, 9, 139-150._x000D_
5. San Emeterio J. –L., Lacaze B., Mering C., 2011 – Détection des changements de la couverture végétale au Sahel durant la période 1982-2002 à partir des données NDVI et précipitation. Télédétection, 10, 2-3, 137-145
Other activities
1. Editor-in-chief of international peer-reviewed open access journal “Télédétection”
1. Invited as "Visiting Scientist" at European Communities Joint Research Center, Institute for Space Applications, Environmental Mapping and Modelling Unit (1995-1996)
Organisation name
Organisation street address
2rue Valette, 75005, 07
Organisation city
Organisation country