Independent experts nominated by country party

Bin Luo

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Associate Professor
Telephone number
86 10 64204798
Work experience
1. Participant of the research on salt-resistance on plant species._x000D_
2. Participant of the research on shift sand dune fixation._x000D_
3. Consultant of the Benchmark and Indicators on Implementation of CCD._x000D_
4. Participant of afforestation in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid region.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
July 1982, Bachelor on Agriculture in China, Water and Soil Conservation College, Beijing Forest University.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Luobin, 1995, Control of Desertification, Forestry Action Plan for China's Agenda 21, Ministry of Forestry._x000D_
2. Luobin, 1994, The Land Degradation in Desertification Region and the Measures Against the Desertification in China, Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, Vol. 14, N°2. April; Northwestern Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Academia Sinica and Ministry of Water Resources._x000D_
3. Luobin, 1991, Study on the Salt-resistance Characteristic of Diversifolia Popalar on Water Culture, Forestry Science Research, Vol. 4, N°5. The Chinese Academy of Forestry._x000D_
4. Luobin, 1993, Desert Control and Utilization in Egypt, World Forestry Research N°6. The Chinese Academy of Forestry._x000D_
5. Luobin, 1994, Worldwide Desertification and the Successful Experience in China, Desert in China, N°2, Lanzhou Desert Institute of Chinese Academia Sinica.
Other activities
1. Director of China National Sand Control and Sand Industry Development Society._x000D_
2. Took part in international meeting on benchmark and indicators several times._x000D_
3. Had a study tour to Australia on agriforestry from 1988 to 1989._x000D_
4. Had a study tour to Egypt on desertification control in 1992._x000D_
5. Took part in international workshop in implementation CCD of NGO in India in 1996._x000D_
6. Took part in international workshop in desertification in Israel in 1995.
Organisation name
Secretariat of China National Committee for Implementation of UNCCD
Organisation street address
18 Hepingli Dongjie, 100714
Organisation city
Organisation country