Independent experts nominated by country party

Bingfang Wu

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
Information Systems
UN languages spoken


Job function
Remote Sensing Applications
Telephone number
86 10 64855689
Work experience
"Strategic Priority Research Program — Climate Change: Carbon Budget and Related Issues",Terrestrial ecosystem carbon budget estimation using satellite observation and field inventory(2011-2015)_x000D_
China National Science Foundation Project: Research on quantitative parametric approaches for land surface evapotranspiration models (2011-2014)_x000D_
China Fundamental Research (973) Programme: Regional Ecosystem Service Assessment at Loess Plateau and N-W Transect of China (2009-2013)_x000D_
Collaborative Project between Chinese Academy of Sciences and Three Gorges Corporation Inc., (2009-2011)_x000D_
China High Technology Research (863) Programme: (2009-2011)_x000D_
World Bank consultancy on Turfan Water projects (2009-2013) Consultancy on water management based on ET_x000D_
Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Post Environmental Impact Assessment for Large Engineering Projects (2007-2010)_x000D_
Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, (2007-2010)_x000D_
World Bank Consultancy project: ET monitoring System with Remote Sensing (2005-2009) _x000D_
Ministry of Water Resources: Soil Erosion Monitoring Using Remote Sensing in Haihe Basin (2004-2009) _x000D_
State Council Three Gorges Commission: Environmental information system for 3-Gorges Project (2002-2009) Information system for environment monitoring network over Changjiang river, database development, environment management_x000D_
State Council Three Gorges Commission: Environment monitoring with remote sensing in Three-Gorges Region (2002-2010)
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Post Doctor in Geo-information science and remote sensing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 1989-1991_x000D_
PhD degree in environmental planning and management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1989_x000D_
MSc degree in water resources and system analysis, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, 1985_x000D_
BSc degree in hydraulic engineering, Jiangxi, China, 1982
Number of Publications
Publication titles
Wu Bingfang, Lu Shanlong, 2011. Watershed Remote Sensing: Methodology and a Paradigm in Hai Basin(in Chinese), Journal of Remote Sensing 15(2):201-223._x000D_
Wu B F, Yan N N, Jiang L P, Chang S, 2011. A method of water consumption balance and application (in Chinese), Journal of Remote Sensing 15(2):281-297._x000D_
Xiwang Zhang, Bingfang Wu(corresponding author), Feng Ling, Yuan Zeng, Nana Yan, Chao Yuan. 2010. Identification of priority areas for controlling soil erosion, CATENA2010, 1(83): 76-86_x000D_
Chen Yong-bo, Wu Bing-fang,The Operation of the Three-Gorges Dam for the Ecological Flow of the Chinese Sturgeon Acipenser sinensis Reproduction: Impacts Analysis and Conservation Strategy, Journal of Applied Ichthyology(accepted)_x000D_
Bo-Jie Fu, Bing-Fang Wu, Yi-He Lv, Zhi-Hong Xu, Jing-Hua Cao, Dong Niu, Gui-Shan Yang, Yue-Min Zhou, 2010. Three Gorges Project: Efforts and challenges for the environment, Progress in Physical Geography. 34(6): 741-754 _x000D_
Wu Bingfang, Introduction of China CropWatch system with remote sensing, ISRPS Archives XXXVI-8/W48, 2006.11.
Other activities
1. Co-leader of GEOSS Task Ag-07-03 2. Associate Editor for "Int. J. Applied Earth Observation & Geo-information"_x000D_
3. Associate Editor for "J. remote sensing" (Chinese) 4. Member of Chinese Geographic Association 5. Standing Director of Chinese Environmental Remote Sensing Association
. The third award for Dayu Science and Technology in Hydraulics, 2008 _x000D_
2. The second award for “State Science and Technology Progress”, 2003 _x000D_
3. The second Award for “Science and Technology Progress”, Ministry of Water Resources,2002
Organisation name
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organisation street address
Olympic Village Science Park, West Beichen Road, Chaoyang District
Organisation city
Organisation country