Independent experts nominated by country party
BMS Rathore
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Plant Science
Natural Resource Management
Political Science
Natural Resource Management
Political Science
UN languages spoken
Geographical Focus
Job function
Joint Secretary
Joint Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests
Telephone number
Work experience
29 years of professional experience in the field of forestry, bio- diversity conservation, rural / tribal development, environmental education and watershed management has involved working with government agencies ( both at field level as well as policy level), research & training Institutions, NGOs, schools and colleges; community institutions, Panchayat Raj Institutions, international agencies and donors. _x000D_
The key competency arena include:_x000D_
Project development/implementation in participatory natural resource management & biodiversity conservation for improved livelihoods; Project evaluation and Impact assessments, Capacity building of partner agencies/institutions to support Natural Resource Management and sustainable community livelihoods; environmental education for climate change leaders; carbon market assessments ; Institution building and net working for participatory natural resource management contributing to sustainable livelihoods._x000D_
Geographic area(s) of field of experience(countries/regions): India, Asia-Pacific; Specialization - Plant Science, Participatory Natural resource management, Education and Political Science
The key competency arena include:_x000D_
Project development/implementation in participatory natural resource management & biodiversity conservation for improved livelihoods; Project evaluation and Impact assessments, Capacity building of partner agencies/institutions to support Natural Resource Management and sustainable community livelihoods; environmental education for climate change leaders; carbon market assessments ; Institution building and net working for participatory natural resource management contributing to sustainable livelihoods._x000D_
Geographic area(s) of field of experience(countries/regions): India, Asia-Pacific; Specialization - Plant Science, Participatory Natural resource management, Education and Political Science
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1.1982 - 84 Post Graduate Diploma in Forestry (equivalent to master degree in forestry), Indian Forest College, Dehra Dun (India)._x000D_
2.1978 – 80 M.Sc. (Botany), Agra University, Agra (India).
2.1978 – 80 M.Sc. (Botany), Agra University, Agra (India).
Publication titles
1. Campbell J, Rathore BMS & Branney Peter;1996; The New Silviculture; Published in the book titled Participatory Forestry : The Process of Change in India and Nepal – Editor Mary Hobble, ODI Publication 1996._x000D_
2. Rathore BMS and Worah. S,2000; HRD in support of Forestry Training and Education, Paper commissioned by FAO for the international workshop on Changing Scenario in Forestry Training and Education, April 16th –19th 2000- ,Vietnam._x000D_
3. Pandey, S; Rathore B.M.S; Mathur P.K; Bhardwaj A.K; 2001. : An ecological study for the conservation of biodiversity in the Great Himalayan National Park (GHNP) - FREEP Volume -II (The Biological Environment - Floral Diversity, Vegetation, Description and Herb Collection) WII,2001_x000D_
4. Rathore BMS et al; Eco development for Bio diversity Conservation: A trainers Manual, WII, 2002 _x000D_
5. Rathore BMS 2007; Forest Governance- Drawing lessons from Seoni District in Local Environmental Governance in India; Case Studies; Lead India 2007
2. Rathore BMS and Worah. S,2000; HRD in support of Forestry Training and Education, Paper commissioned by FAO for the international workshop on Changing Scenario in Forestry Training and Education, April 16th –19th 2000- ,Vietnam._x000D_
3. Pandey, S; Rathore B.M.S; Mathur P.K; Bhardwaj A.K; 2001. : An ecological study for the conservation of biodiversity in the Great Himalayan National Park (GHNP) - FREEP Volume -II (The Biological Environment - Floral Diversity, Vegetation, Description and Herb Collection) WII,2001_x000D_
4. Rathore BMS et al; Eco development for Bio diversity Conservation: A trainers Manual, WII, 2002 _x000D_
5. Rathore BMS 2007; Forest Governance- Drawing lessons from Seoni District in Local Environmental Governance in India; Case Studies; Lead India 2007
Other activities
•Served as Vice President on COP 10 Bureau to represent Asia-Pacific (Annex-2) region._x000D_
•Currently serving as Chair Asia-Pacific region on COP 11 Bureau, representing Annex-2 region._x000D_
•Served on Board of Governors, Leadership for Environment & Development (2006-2007)._x000D_
•Currently Member of Forest Governance Learning Group (FGLG), supported by International institute of Environment & Development (IIED), London.
•Currently serving as Chair Asia-Pacific region on COP 11 Bureau, representing Annex-2 region._x000D_
•Served on Board of Governors, Leadership for Environment & Development (2006-2007)._x000D_
•Currently Member of Forest Governance Learning Group (FGLG), supported by International institute of Environment & Development (IIED), London.
•Indira Priydarshini Vraksha Mitra Award (1992) the highest award for excellence in forestry at national level (for Joint Forest Management work in Harda forest Division)._x000D_
•State Government's Gold Medal for professional excellence in forestry in 1990. (for Community based wasteland regeneration programme)._x000D_
• Gold Medallist in Master of Science Examination, 1980 (Agra University.).
•State Government's Gold Medal for professional excellence in forestry in 1990. (for Community based wasteland regeneration programme)._x000D_
• Gold Medallist in Master of Science Examination, 1980 (Agra University.).
Organisation name
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Organisation street address
Room N° 440, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, 110 003
Organisation city
New Delhi
Organisation country