Independent experts nominated by country party

Bruno Bokoto De Semboli

First name
Last name
Bokoto De Semboli
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Climate change and adaptation
Soil Degradation
Thematic Areas
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Central African Republic
Job function
Expert National
FAO -Projet Système de SMNV-UN-REDD+
Telephone number
00 236 21 61 56 12
Work experience
Working as consultant with FAO on Non Timber Forest Product sustainable use and Monitoting, Notification and Verification of REDD+ process in Centra Africa republic (CAR); _x000D_
I have a extend experience in consulting on biodiversity policy design, ability to report and working in multicultural team on different thematic that include gender sensitives approach._x000D_
I am use to participatory approach (ARP,ARM), and other scientific methodology._x000D_
2) Worked as Research Assistant in CIFOR, on forest and climate change adaptation in CAR in 2007 -2009; _x000D_
3) Biomonitoring officer in Dzanga Sangha Protected Areas, and was involved in multidisciplinary research team on conservation and development with WWF from 2002- 2007_x000D_
Thematic areas: Biodiversity and climate change_x000D_
Geographical Focus: the Congo Basin
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Master in Administration and participation management of forest resource, Dschang University (CRESA Forêt Bois) – Cameroon, 2009
Publication titles
1. Denis Jean Sonwa, Mekou Youssoufa Bele, Bruno Bokoto de Semboli, Émile Mulotwa Masumbuko, Cyriaque Sendashonga, 2014 : La place de la forêt dans les Plans nationaux d’adaptation au changement climatique en Afrique centrale Chapitre 8 in Les forêts du Bassin du Congo et l'adaptation aux changements climatiques _x000D_
2. Eléphants de forêt d'Afrique : la menace d'une extinction totale. PLOS-ONE/Volume 8.Issue3.e59469 , 2013._x000D_
3. Sandker Marieke, Bokoto De Semboli B., , Roth P, and Pellisier C., Ruiz-Perez M., Sayer J., Turkalo A.K., Omoze F, Campbell BM, 2011 Logging or conservation concession: Exploring conservation and development outcomes in Dzanga Sangha, Central African Republic. Conservation and Society Vol. 9 number (4): 299-310, , _x000D_
4. Endamana D.; Defo L.; Bokoto De Semboli B.; Sayer J.; Eyebe A.; Nzooh Z.; Ndikumagenge C.; Perez M. R; Boedhihartono I (2010). A framework for assessing conservation and development in Congo Basin Forest landscape. Open Access Journal - Tropical Conservation Science Vol.3 (3):262-281, _x000D_
5. Banque Mondiale, 2010, Analyse environnementale du Pays- République Centrafricaine,
Other activities
1) Consultancy World Bank _x000D_
2) Consultancy UNDP_x000D_
3) Consultancy FAO_x000D_
4) Technical and Scientifique conservation and development work group (Sangha Group, since 2005_x000D_
5) African Bees Working Group, since 2010.
Organisation name
Food and Agriculture Organization
Organisation street address
Rue Guerillot_x000D_
BP 686
Organisation city
Organisation country
Central African Republic