Independent experts nominated by country party
Christian, Lucien, Henri Valentin
First name
Christian, Lucien, Henri
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
Soil Science
Agricultural Sciences
Soil Science
UN languages spoken
Job function
Directeur de Recherche
Telephone number
33 1 48 02 79 04
Work experience
My studies have been dedicated these last 20 years (I have been posted from November 1996 to April 1997 in West Africa, with a post in Paris between 1989 and 1991) to the processes and the factors involved in the development of surface crusts in the humid, semi-arid and arid zones of West Africa, and their impacts upon runoff production, wind and water erosion. These works have been conducted within multidisciplinary teams including soil scientists, hydrologists, ecologists, agronomists, geographers and remote sensing specialists. I have been assigned project leader in 1984 (watershed studies in wet savanna zone of Ivory Coast) and research manager in 1991 (head of the research unit - 70 scientists - on the local hydrosystems)._x000D_
In a nutshell, our work have clearly shown that surface features, and more precisely, soil crusts are very relevant indicators of desertification. The type and the extent of surface crusts reflect precisely the stage and the serverity of desertification pro
In a nutshell, our work have clearly shown that surface features, and more precisely, soil crusts are very relevant indicators of desertification. The type and the extent of surface crusts reflect precisely the stage and the serverity of desertification pro
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Doctoral Thesis "Soil crusts of a subdesertic region (Agadez, Niger). Genesis and impacts on soil water budget", University of Paris VII, 1981.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Casenave A., Valentin C., 1992. A runoff capability classification system based on surface features criteria in the arid and semi-arid areas of West Africa. Journal of Hydrology. 130:231-249, 17 réf., 3 tabl., 3 fig._x000D_
2. Valentin C., 1996. Soil erosion under global change, in. : B.H. Walker and W.L. Steffen (edit.) Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems, Cambridge University Press, International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Book Series, N° 2, pp. 317-338._x000D_
3. Valentin C., Bresson L.M., 1992. Morphology, genesis and classification of soil crusts in loamy and sandy soils. Geoderma, 55:225-245., 3 tabl., 2 fig., 35 réf._x000D_
4. Valentin C., Casenave A., 1992. Infiltration into sealed soils as influenced by gravel cover. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 56(6):1167-167333, 14 ref., tabl., 3 fig., 14 ref._x000D_
5. Valentin C., D'Herbes, J.M., Accepted. Water harvesting along a climatic transect across tiger bush patterns in Niger: structure, slope and production. Catena
2. Valentin C., 1996. Soil erosion under global change, in. : B.H. Walker and W.L. Steffen (edit.) Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems, Cambridge University Press, International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Book Series, N° 2, pp. 317-338._x000D_
3. Valentin C., Bresson L.M., 1992. Morphology, genesis and classification of soil crusts in loamy and sandy soils. Geoderma, 55:225-245., 3 tabl., 2 fig., 35 réf._x000D_
4. Valentin C., Casenave A., 1992. Infiltration into sealed soils as influenced by gravel cover. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 56(6):1167-167333, 14 ref., tabl., 3 fig., 14 ref._x000D_
5. Valentin C., D'Herbes, J.M., Accepted. Water harvesting along a climatic transect across tiger bush patterns in Niger: structure, slope and production. Catena
Other activities
1. Participation to several international programmes (mainly sponsored by E.U.) in the Sahel (Hapex-Sahel; Fallow land project) and in China._x000D_
2. Task leader of the "Soil Degradation Task" of the Global Change Terrestrial Ecosystem programme (GCTE/IGBP) and Chairman of the ssoil erosion research network of GCTE/IGBP._x000D_
3. Chairman of the sub-commission on soil erosion and soils conservation of the Internaional Soil Science Society._x000D_
4. Member of the Steering Committee of the Desert Margins Programme on behalf of the French (CIRAD and ORSTOM) and British (NERC: Institute of Hydrology, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology) advanced research organisations._x000D_
5. Member of the scientific roster of the "Land Quality Indicators" programme of the World Bank.
2. Task leader of the "Soil Degradation Task" of the Global Change Terrestrial Ecosystem programme (GCTE/IGBP) and Chairman of the ssoil erosion research network of GCTE/IGBP._x000D_
3. Chairman of the sub-commission on soil erosion and soils conservation of the Internaional Soil Science Society._x000D_
4. Member of the Steering Committee of the Desert Margins Programme on behalf of the French (CIRAD and ORSTOM) and British (NERC: Institute of Hydrology, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology) advanced research organisations._x000D_
5. Member of the scientific roster of the "Land Quality Indicators" programme of the World Bank.
Organisation name
Organisation street address
32, Rue Henri Varagnat, 93143
32, Rue Henri Varagnat, 93143
Organisation city
Bondy Cedex
Organisation country