Independent experts nominated by country party

Christophe Benard

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Animal Science
Land Use Planning
watershed managment
Thematic Areas
Economic development
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Evelopment Programme Manager,Institute for research and application of development methods (IRAM)
Telephone number
01 44 08 67 67
Work experience
11 years experiences in pastoralism and animal husbandry projects: Chad, Niger, Benin, Mali, Senegal, India. _x000D_
•Pastoralism and herding system analysis : investigation in different herding systems, elaboration of activities (planning and feasibilities). Technical assistance in herding development projects, particularly in eastern Chad : interactions between pastoral areas uses (refugees, pastoralist people)._x000D_
•Participation in the development of national strategies for livestock development (linked to pastoralism)_x000D_
•Work on support services to livestock and its economic value: market place and water point fitting, dialogue on pastoral area management_x000D_
•Agricultural and herding systems economic inter-action: survey methodology, elaboration of small-scale farms typology, support on farms development activities. _x000D_
•Analysis of agricultural and herding channel market: small-scale production system approach and economic analysis (ruminant and poultry)._x000D_
•Support to herder’s organisation : advice and counseling, elaboration of training sessions for producers, technical and management advice to groups’ activities, supporting groups autonomy in crops marketing, identification and creation of income generating activities._x000D_
Pastoralism 2. Integrated water resources management_x000D_
3. Land management (conflicts prevention) _ 4. Economic development in pastoral areas
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Master of science Animal production in arid areas, Montpellier, France (2006): zootechny, livelihood analysis (in herds), economic development, channel market for animal products, producers structuration
Publication titles
1. _ Bénard C., Faye B., Moulin C.H., Köhler-Rollefson I., “Typology of the camel keepers in the Jaisalmer district, Rajasthan”, Journal on Camel Research and Practice, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India, 10p; _x000D_
2. _Bénard C., Bonnet B., 2010. Etude de cas sur la vulnérabilité et l'adaptabilité des éleveurs face aux évènements dans la commune de Djougou au Bénin. ECliS, 3.2d, Elev,_; _x000D_
3. Djalta D., Bénard C. « Expériences de démarches et politiques de prévention des conflits liés au pastoralisme », Volet AGRP, projet Almy Al Afia II, N’Djamena (in colloque « Elevage pastoral : une contribution durable au développement et à la sécurité des espaces saharo-sahéliens »)
Other activities
1. Membership of Iram association;_x000D_
2. Technical assistant in main pastoralism programs in Chad (pastoral water supply, pastoral resources management, participation to the pastoralist platform in Chad) ;_x000D_
3. Participation in “Eclis program” : Herding, Climate and Society (French Research agency donation); _x000D_
4. Development program in saharian areas : Niger and Chad (interactions between oase systems and arid pastoralism systems); _x000D_
5. Seminary : « Politique sectorielle du pastoralisme au Tchad : quelles orientations »
Organisation name
Institute of Development Studies
Organisation street address
49 rue de la Glacière, 75013 Paris
Organisation city
Organisation country