Independent experts nominated by country party

Christophe Cudennec

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Burkina Faso
Job function
Associate Professor
Telephone number
33 02 23 48 55 58
Work experience
Bilateral Tunisia-French project dealing with integrated water-agriculture-development in Tunisia: field data collect and management, scientists-stakeholders cooperation, students mentoring, environmental changes assessment and prospective simulation. Inscription within the international IWMI network, EU Integrated projects, bilateral strategy._x000D_
Field and distance-based cooperation in Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Indonesia._x000D_
Project coordination in France for knowledge transfer between scientists and stakeholders._x000D_
Project participation in several French hydrological projects._x000D_
Member of the French UNCCD committee: Comité Scientifique Français de la Désertification._x000D_
Member of the UNESCO G-WADI network, actually developing a francophone internet portal;_x000D_
Francophone editor of bilingual Hydrological Sciences Journal for wider knowledge dissemination.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Agronomist, ENSA Rennes Fr., 1994 / PhD, Hydrogeomorphological modelling, ENSA Rennes Fr., 2000 / Habilitation, Arid and semiarid hydrogeomorphology, Univ. Rennes Fr., 2008.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Nasri S., Albergel J., Cudennec C., Berndtsson R., 2004. Hydrological processes in macrocatchment water harvesting in the arid region of Tunisia: the traditional system of tabias. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 49, 2, 261-272 _x000D_
2. Nasri S., Cudennec C., Albergel J., Berndtsson R., 2004. Use of a geomorphological transfer function to model design floods in small hillside catchments in semiarid Tunisia. Journal of Hydrology, 287, 1-4, 197-213 _x000D_
3. Cudennec C., Slimani M., Le Goulven P., 2005. Accounting for sparsely observed rainfall space-time variability in a rainfall-runoff model of a semiarid Tunisian basin. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 50, 4, 617-630 _x000D_
4. Slimani M., Cudennec C., Feki H., 2007. Structure du gradient pluviométrique de la transition Méditerranée–Sahara en Tunisie: déterminants géographiques et saisonnalité. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 52, 6, 1088-1102 _x000D_
5. Cudennec C., Leduc C., Koutsoyiannis D., 2007. Dryland hydrology in Mediterranean regions–a review. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 52, 6, 1077-1087
Other activities
1. Expert for the French sanitary agency dealing with environmental hazards AFSSET (since 2007): water related hazards, water reuse._x000D_
2. Project expert evaluation for European Framework Programme, & Slovak R&D Agency._x000D_
3. 3.5 years in a collaborative project in Tunisia (2003-2006)._x000D_
4. 16 months as the scientific attaché of the French embassy in Iceland (1995-1996)._x000D_
5. EuropAid Expert for data management improvement within and between Algerian water-related ministry and agencies (2010).
Young scientist Tison 2007 Award bestowed by the Int. Ass. for Hydrological Sciences._x000D_
2. Associated editor of Hydrological Sciences Journal; and of Hydrology Research._x000D_
3. Guest editor in 2007 of a special section of Hydrological Sciences Journal dedicated to Dryland hydrology in Mediterranean regions.
Organisation name
Academy of Agricultural Science
Organisation street address
Agrocampus Ouest, CS 84215,, 35042
Organisation city
Rennes Cedex
Organisation country