Independent experts nominated by country party

Chun Yong Lee

First name
Chun Yong
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Job function
Senior Research Forester
Forestry Research Institute
Telephone number
82 961 2758
Work experience
Assessing and optimizing forest soil conservation in artificial management using fertization, planting, and water conservation._x000D_
Selecting tree specles in proper soils and site_x000D_
Erosion control method development in forested watershed or cut-slope _x000D_
Run off measurement in small wateshed
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD. Soil erosion control, Korea University, 1986
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. LEE, C.Y. 1986, Erosion effect by soil and vegetation transition in mountainous area after soil erosion measures were initiated. PhD thesis, Korea Univ. 60pp_x000D_
2. LEE, C.Y and W.K.Lee, 1987. The suitable site for planting Pinus rigida XP. Taeda. J. Korean for Soc. 76(3):200-205_x000D_
3. LEE, C.Y and D.D Myrold. 1990. N mineralization and nitrification in forest soils. J. Korean For. Soc. 79(3) : 285-289_x000D_
4. LEE, C.Y 1992. Forest soils. 350pp, Bosungmunwhasa, Seoul_x000D_
5. LEE, C.Y and J.H.Ryu, 1995. Evaluation of forest environmental factors converting of forest land to other land use. FRI J. of For Sci.52: 152-160
Other activities
Secretary of Korean Forestry Society_x000D_
Secretary of IUFRO-Korea_x000D_
Member, Forest and Culture Research Group_x000D_
Member, Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer
Organisation name
Korea Forest Research Institute
Organisation street address
207 Chongnyangni-dong,_x000D_
Tongdaemungu, 130-012
Organisation city
Seoul, Korea