Independent experts nominated by country party

Ciubotaru Valentin

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Degradation
Sustainable Development
Rural Development
Environmental Management
Thematic Areas
Environmental monitoring
Food security
Land cover change
Land degradation
Rural development
Sustainable development
Sustainable land management
UN languages spoken


Job function
Executive Director
Telephone number
+373 22 285343
Work experience
I am a member of: National Group of the UNCCD Convention implementation in the Republic of Moldova (since 2004), National Society of Soil Science of the RM (NSSSM) – since 1989, Council of Europe Committee on Rural Law (since 1995), the International Union of Soil Science (since 1994), the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (since 2005). I was the member of Scientific Council of the Research Institute for Soil Science and Agroichemistry during the period: 1989-1998. I represented the NSSSM at the 15th (Acapulco, Mexico, 1994) and 16th Congress of Soil Science (Montpellier, France, 1998).
Publication titles
1. Agri-environment measures: achievements and problems, rules and advices/ (co-author), Chisinau, 2011, 62 p. (in Romanian and Russian)_x000D_
2. Monitoring and Assessment of Desertification and Land Degradation: Knowledge Management, Institutions and Economics. White Paper of DSD Working Group 3, (co-author)/ The United Nations University Hamilton, Ontario, (in English), Canada, 2010, 126 p. _x000D_
3. Third National Report on the implementation of the UNCCD in the Republic of Moldova (co-author). Chisinau, (in English and Romanian), 2006, 88 p._x000D_
4. The Particulars of Organic Agriculture in the Republic of Moldova (in English) / Organic Agriculture, Agrotourism and Genetically Modified Organisms: Polish Experience for Moldova. Proceedings of International Conference. Chisinau, Moldova, 2005, p. 6-12_x000D_
5. Environmental Performance Reviews, Republic of Moldova (in English), Second review, (co-author)/ Economic Commission for Europe, Committee on Environmental Policy, New York and Geneva, 2005, 163 p._x000D_
6. Farmer’s Book. (co-author). Chisinau, 2005, 264 p. (in Romanian)_x000D_
7. Urban Agriculture in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. (co-author). Chisinau, (in English), 2005, 60 p._x000D_
8. Republic of Moldova. National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants, (co-author). Chisinau, (in English and Romanian), 2004, 80 p._x000D_
9. First National Communication of the Republic of Moldova under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (co-author). Chisinau, (in English and Romanian), 2000, 74 p_x000D_
10. Ways for Improving Soil Cover Condition (in English), /Conference: Soils in Central European Countries, New Independent States, Central Asian Countries and in Mongolia. Present Situation and Future Prospects, Prague-Czech Republic, 26-29 august 2000, 148-154 pp.
Organisation name
State Meteorological Service
Organisation street address
86a Lermontov str., # 1, MD-2070
Organisation city