Independent experts nominated by country party

David Mothepu Thabiso Nkalai

First name
David Mothepu Thabiso
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Principal Environment Officer
Highlands Development Authority
Telephone number
9 266 314 324
Work experience
Over 15 years experience on natural resources management practices for land conservation and protection for a sustainable soil utilization for crops, animal production and development; Expertise in soil classification, soil mapping and soil surveys for crop production, animal production and development; Experience in conducting crop production field experiments and research on fertilizer use; Experience in environmental impact assessment of construction on natural and cultural resources, particular interest in impacts mitigation; Experience in writing environmental specifications into construction and development contracts; Supervision of Environmental Studies Consultants; Developing project proposals on natural, cultural resources and agricultural development.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
M.S., Soil Science and Geography, Texas Technical University, USA, 1983_x000D_
B.Sc., Soil Science, Texas Technical university, USA, 1977_x000D_
Post-Graduate Diploma, Soil Science, University of Ghent, Belgium, 1974_x000D_
Diploma, Agriculture, University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, Swaziland, 1970_x000D_
Certificate, Agriculture, Lesotho Agriculture College, 1966
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Co-Publisher of Soils of Lesotho: A System of Soil Classification for Interpreting Soil Surveys in Lesotho - Office of Soil Survey Conservation Division, Ministry of Agriculture, 1979_x000D_
2. Co-Publisher of Soil Survey of the Thaba-Bosiu Project in Lesotho. Office of Soil Survey, Conservation Division, Ministry of Agriculture, 1976_x000D_
3. Soil Erosion Patterns of the Mollisols in Katse Watershed: submitted to the 10th African Regional Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Incorporating Third International Conference on Tropical and Residual Soils, 1990
Other activities
Member, Lesotho Science and Technology Association;_x000D_
Member, Lesotho Society for Geographic Information Systems;_x000D_
Member, Lesotho Solar Energy Society;_x000D_
Texas University, USA Alumni;_x000D_
University of Ghent, Belgium Alumni
Organisation name
Lesotho Highlands Development Authority
Organisation street address
Organisation city
Organisation country