Independent experts nominated by country party

Duangjai Suriya-aunroj

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Soil science
Thematic Areas
Water logging and salinity
Soil degradation
UN languages spoken


Chinese, Simplified

Geographical Focus
Job function
Agricultural Scientist
Nakon Ratchasima Rice Research Center
Telephone number
+66 044-471583
Work experience
There are 2 types of project being done. First rice breeding for tolerance to saline soil condition. The project compose of salt tolerance parent selection, crossing beta KDML 105 (non glutinous good cooking quality rice) and RD6 (glutinous good cooking quality rice) with salt tolerant rice varieties. Then using molecular selection by marker assisted selection for salt tolerance, aroma, wax, and blast resistant with good cooking quality rice. Second, Effect of plant nutrition, sulphur, calcium, manganese and magnesium on 2AP content, Grain yield and Grain Quality of KDML 105. The project composed of soil analysis for 5 sites to determine the amount of nutrient need to add to rice paddy field based on the objective to improve aromatic fragrant of KDML 105 in NE Thailand paddy field.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD Tropical Agriculture, Kasetsart University, 2005
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. …Suriya-arunroj D., K Boonsa-nga, U. Kuntayun, P. Pukchum, K. Phongrat, J. Phengrat, C. Sirisompan, S. Mansujarit, W. Tearakongman. 2015, Soil and water Salinity Dynamic and Rice Growth in Northeastern Saline Paddy Field. Pp. 216-231. The 32nd Rice and Cerial Crop Annual Meeting Proceedings 2015, Bureau of Rice Research and Development, Rice Department
2. Suriya-arunroj. D., A. Vanavichit, S. Tragoonrung and T. Toojinda. 2007. Breeding Rice for Salt Tolerance and Good Cooking Quality. The Rice Research Journal, Volume 1, No.1 (Sep-Dec) 29-43
3. Suriya-arunroj. D., N. Supapoj, A. Vanavichit and T. Toojinda. 2005. Screening and Selection for Physiological Characters Contribution to Salinity tolerance in Rice. Kasetsart. J. (Nat. Sci) 39: 174-185

4. Suriya-arunroj,D., N. Sopapoj, T. Toojinda and A. Vanavidhit. 2004. Relative leaf water content as an efficient method for evaluating rice cuttivars for tolerance to salt stress. Science Asia 30:4, 411-415.
5. Suriya-arunroj, D., P. Chaiyawat, S. Fukai, and P. Bleney. 2000. Identification of Nutrients Limiting Rice Seedling Growth in Soil of Northeast under Water Limiting and Non Limiting Condition. Kasetsart. J: (Nat.Sci) 34: 323-331.
Organisation nature
Rice research and Development
Organisation street address

Rice Research and Development Division
Rice Research Center
Pimai - Talard Cave Road Amphoe Pimai
Organisation city
Nakon Ratchasima
Organisation country