Independent experts nominated by country party

Eduardo Menocal Solórzano

First name
Last name
Menocal Solórzano
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken


Job function
General Director
Advisory and Rural Development
Telephone number
52 5 689 8383
Work experience
- General Director of Advisory and Rural Development, S.A. of C.V. 1991 to date._x000D_
- Subdirector of Research following-up at Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA) 1988-1991._x000D_
- Head of Interinstitutional Program. Integral Diagnosis of Bovine Livestock in Mexican Tropic. IMTA, 1985-1986._x000D_
- Professor of B.D. Level 1977-1979_x000D_
- Adviser of Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico; Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform of Nicaragua; Milk National Commission-SARH Mexico; IMTA;UACH_x000D_
- Consultant of international projects in Nicaragua, Colombia and Cuba
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Bachelor Degree, Agricultural Engineer, Chapingo Autonomous University, Mexico
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Rice production systems in Veracruz: Actual situation and perspectives. UGOCP. March 1990, Veracruz. 90 pages._x000D_
2. Rice system of Papaloapan bowl: Junctural problems. (coauthor) UGOCP. July 1990. Jalapa, Veracruz. 262 pages._x000D_
3. Script for a national and international regerence frame of coffee product system in Mexico. Januaty 1991, Mexico. 15 pages._x000D_
4. Livestock and the environmental matter: The Veracruzan perspective. CIESAS, Golfo. 1991, Japala, Veracruz._x000D_
5. Biodiversity or Sociobiodiversity: the Bovine Production Systems in Mexican Tropic. Ecology Institute. A.C. (Civil Asociation) 1991, Jalapa, Veracruz.
Other activities
- First place at VIII Seminar in Agriculture Economics of the Third World Co-author Report. UNAM, 1989. Representative for Conservation of Soil and Water Group._x000D_
- Representative for Group of Soil and Water Conservation before the State Govern of Morelos, 1991-1992.
Organisation name
Autonomous Society of Variable Capital
Organisation street address
Calle Ruiseñor No. 11_x000D_
Col. El Rosedal Coyoacan, CP 04330, D.P.
Organisation city
Organisation country