Independent experts nominated by country party

Enrique Correal Castellanos

First name
Last name
Correal Castellanos
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken



Job function
Telephone number
34 968 366740
Work experience
. Pasture and forage crops for semiarid Mediterranean areas dominated by cereal-livestock farming and degraded rangelands_x000D_
2. Agronomic screening of native and foreign species tolerant to dry and cold environments_x000D_
3. Research and project leadership on fodder shrubs and pasture legumes_x000D_
4. Multipurpose woody species: multiplication, establishment and management_x000D_
5. Forage shrub plantations as feed banks for scarcity periods_x000D_
6. Yield and feed value of rangeland forage species_x000D_
7. Valorization of genetic resources of native flora: aromatic and medicinal plants, industrial and biomass crops
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Agricultural Engineer, 1971, Univ. of Valencia (Rural improvement)_x000D_
Prel. M:S:, 1973-74, Univ. Western Australia (Plant Nutrition)
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. CORREAL, E., ERENA, M., RÍOS, S., ROBLEDO, A., VICENTE, M. 2009. Agroforestry systems in southeastern Spain. In: A. Rigueiro-Rodríguez et al. (eds.),Agroforestry in Europe: current status and future prospects. Chapter 9. pp. 183-210. Advances in Agroforestry, vol.6. Springer._x000D_
2. CORREAL, E.; ROBLEDO, A.; RIOS, S.; RIVERA, D. 2006. Mediterranean dryland sheep-cereal systems. pp.14-26. En: Grassland Science in Europe, vol.11. EGF.Badajoz. 847pp. Editores: J.Lloveras et al. _x000D_
3. ORTIZ-DORDA, J.; MARTINEZ-MORA, C.; CORREAL, E.; SIMON, B.; CENIS, J. L. 2005. Genetic structure of Atriplex halimus populations in the Mediterranean basin. Annals of Botany 95: 827-834._x000D_
4. PASCUAL-VILLALOBOS, M.J.; CORREAL, E. 2005. Alternative crops for industry and rural development in Spain. pp.51-71. In: Pascual-Villalobos et al (Edts). AAIC. Industrial Crops and Rural Development. Proceedings of 2005 Annual Meeting of the AAIC (Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops). _x000D_
5. Correal, E., Sánchez,P. and Alcaraz F. 1987. Woody species (trees and shrubs) of multiple value for the arid and semi-arid zones of northern Mediterranean EEC countries. In: Seminaire sur les Especes ligneuses a usages multiples des zones arides Mediterraneennes. IAMZ. CEE-Agrimed Programme, Rapport UER 11770,pp:1-39.
Other activities
1. 1978 to 1984 coordinator of the Spanish INIA-Pasture Research Programme _x000D_
2. 1987 to 1996 liaison officer of the FAO-Mediterranean Pasture Subnetwork _x000D_
3. professor in post-graduate courses organised by the CIHEAM in Zaragoza-IAMZ (1982 to 1993), Chania-IAMCh (1989), Aleppo-ICARDA (1995), _x000D_
Rabat-IAVH (1998), Cairo-DRC (2001), Lisbon-EZN (2005) _x000D_
4. agronomic assistant to the Spanish Foreign Ministry on arid lands agriculture (Middle East Development workshops in Casablanca and Cordoba; 1993-1994) _x000D_
and on desertification (Convention to Combat Desertification, UN-New York, Madrid and Murcia; 1997-1998) _x000D_
5. consulted as pasture expert to review projects in Morocco for the AIEA-Vienna (1997-2000), for ICARDA in Aleppo (1994) and Cairo (1998) and for the EU-DGXII in Brussels (1996)
1. INIA, FAO and World Bank postgraduate fellowships for training on pasture sciences at CRIA-Badajoz, ant Universities of Western Australia and Alabama _x000D_
2. Participation in 10th session UN (New York) Convention to Combat Desertification, invited by Spanish foreign affair office as expert _x000D_
3. External evaluator of ICARDA Pasture Research Programme in June 1994. and participant in workshop Initiative to Control Natural Resource degradation (Desertification) of Arid Lands in the Middle East (Cairo, Egypt)
Organisation name
Agriculture Research & Development Centre
Organisation street address
Finca "Sericicola", 30150
Organisation city
La Alberca (Murcia)
Organisation country