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Independent experts nominated by country party

Eric, Jean Roose

First name
Eric, Jean
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Directeur de Recherche
Telephone number
33 4 67416265
Work experience
- Manager of the ORSTOM-INRF (Algérie) Project "Water, boimass and soil fertility management in Mediterranean mountains of Algeria" 1985-93._x000D_
- Advisory of the ISAR project in Rwanda (1988-93) "Soil and water management"._x000D_
- Advisory of the PRODAP-FIDA in Cabo Verde (1993-97) "Integrated rural development in the Godim valley, Santiago"._x000D_
- Advisory and participant to the program IRA-CIRAD-ORSTOM (1989-96) "Cultural practices to decrease the risks of soil degradation under intensive corn-cotton rotation of North savanna Cameroon."
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Engineer in tropical agriculture and forestry: Louvain, Belgium, 1962._x000D_
Doctor engineer in Soil Sciences: Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 1973._x000D_
Doctor-es-Sciences nat. : Orléans, France, 1980.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. ROOSE E., 1996. Land Husbandry: components and strategy. FAO soils Bull. N° 70, 380 p., FAO Rome._x000D_
2. ROOSE E., 1993. Water and soil fertility management to fight erosion and improve land productivity. In: "Acceptance of soil and water management strategies" DISTL Witzenhausen, Germany: p.129-164.3._x000D_
3. ROOSE E., ARABI M., BRAHAMIA K., CHEBBANI R., MAZOUR M., MORSLI M., 1996. Erosion et ruissellement en nappe en montagne méditerranéenne algérienne. Réduction des risques érosifs et intensification de la production. Synthèse 1989-955. Cah. ORSTOM Pédol., 28,2 : 289-308._x000D_
4. ROOSE E., 1988. Diversité des stratégies traditionnelles et modernes de conservation de l'eau et des sols en milieu soudano sahélien d'Afrique occidentale. In "Aridité, une contrainte au développement, ORSTOm Montpellier, pp. 481-506._x000D_
5. SHAXSON T.F., HUDSON N.W., SANDERS D.W., ROOSE E.J., MOLDENHAUER W.C. 1989. "Land husbandry, a framework for soil and water conservation, SWC soc. Ankeny, Iowa, U
Other activities
1. President of the French speaking "Réseau Erosion" (700 participants in 50 countries)_x000D_
2. Vice-President of the World Association for Soil and Water Conservation (1990-98)._x000D_
3. Founder and member of the ISCO advisory board (1983-98)._x000D_
4. Member of AISS-AFES, sciences du sol._x000D_
5. Member of the European soil conservation society.
1996. Prix Mohamed El Fasi, Aupelf, Paris.
Organisation name
Organisation street address
IRD _x000D_
Réseau Erosion_x000D_
BP 5045, 34032, 1
Organisation city
Montpellier Cedex
Organisation country