Independent experts nominated by country party

Francisco Luciano Concheiro Borquez

First name
Francisco Luciano
Last name
Concheiro Borquez
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Political Science
and Sociology
UN languages spoken



Job function
Professor and Researcher
Economic Production
Telephone number
52 5 724 50 66
Work experience
- Professor and researcher since 1975 at Autonomous Metropolitan University_x000D_
- Guest professor in different universities and institutes from Mexico, Cuba, Spain, El Salvador and France_x000D_
- Co-director of Green Peace in Mexico during 1992_x000D_
- Researcher of the National Institute of Anthropology and History, Ecology Department and Social Anthropology, Mexico, 1975-1977_x000D_
- Social Development Coordinator in Masteral Level at the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM-Xochimilco), Mexico_x000D_
- Coordinator of projects at INAH, UAM, etc. mainly in rural and social development
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Bachelor degree, Economy, National Autonomous University of Maxico (UNAM) 1976_x000D_
Masteral degree, Sociology, UNAM, 1978_x000D_
Ph. D., Social Sciences, UNAM, 1984
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. L. Concheiro, Leon Garcia. The masteral degree in the Rural Development: a link option with the peasants. University Reflexions No. 2, UAM.Xochimilco 1989, 27 pages._x000D_
2. L. Concheiro. Rural development crisis and NAFTA impact. Trinational Meetinf on Agriculture, Environment and NAFTA, Mexico, 1991. Political Sciences, 32 pages._x000D_
3. L. Concheiro. The new agricultural and animal husbandty mexican policy and the land's market. Colombia de la Reforma Agraria (INCORA) FAO, Bogota, 44 pages._x000D_
4. L. Concheiro. The challenge for the rural people in a poverty context. Forum about Teaching, Research and Service in Rural Environment. Universidad Autonoma de Morelos 1994, Political Sciences, 46 pages._x000D_
5. L. Concheiro. The ejido: a study of a rural socio-economic system that has contributed to building Mexico. United Nations Center for the Regional Development. Nagoya, Japan, 1996 (english) 52, pages.
Other activities
- 1 year scholarship at the University Cumplutense of Madrid, Spain, 1985_x000D_
- 1 year scholatship at Gramsci Instute, Rome, Italy_x000D_
- Workshop for graduate and postgraduate level in Social development, rural development and ownership, 1987-1992 at UAM-Xochimilco_x000D_
- Lecturer in more than 50 conferences, seminars and symposiums at graduate and postgraduate level.
- Best student in Economics, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Technologia, 1975._x000D_
- Scholarship for 6 months, National Institute of Anthropology and History, Gramsci Institute, Rome, Italy, 1976_x000D_
- Scholarship for 1 year, Universidad Complutense. Madrid, Spa
Organisation name
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Plantel Xochimilco
Organisation street address
Calzada del Hueso No. 1100_x000D_
Col. Villa Quietud, D.F., C.P. 04968
Organisation city
Delegacion Coyoacan
Organisation country