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Independent experts nominated by country party

Georges IIunga Kaponsola

First name
Last name
IIunga Kaponsola
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Physical Science
Climate change and adaptation
Sustainable Development
Thematic Areas
Climate change
Sustainable development
UN languages spoken



Job function
Climate Change Division, Department of Sustainable Development, Deparment of Environment
Telephone number
00 243 814529940
Work experience
To my modest opinion, desertification is one of the climate changes adverse effects; results of human behavior towards natural resources._x000D_
For the moment being, the most efficient and most practical way to combat successfully these bad effects is the “Resort to Renewable Energies”._x000D_
We must progressively replace fossil fuels with renewable energies._x000D_
The area of agriculture and land use, need stabilization by settling process of activities, resort to agroforestry and use of natural fertilizers. The struggle is a lengthy and money consuming process; in need of negotiations with various stakeholders at different levels._x000D_
Thematic areas: _Struggle Against Climate Change Adverse Effects (among them „Desertification) by Resort to Renewable Energies
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Second License/ Physics; UPN (National Pedagogic University
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. ILUNGA KAPONSOLA Georges/2001/_x000D_
Menaces d?Extinction de la Vie sur le Globe Terrestre/ 64 pages/ UPN/ Kinshasa; _x000D_
2. Georges ILUNGA KAPONSOLA/2010/_x000D_
Environment and Education/- Introduction of Classes of Environment into Schools and Universities all Over our Planet./ UNFCCC; _x000D_
3. Georges ILUNGA KAPONSOLA/_2013/__x000D_
Circumstances to Face in the Implementation of Energy Related Projects in DRC / IRENA/Bonn/Germany_x000D_
4. _Georges ILUNGA KAPONSOLA/ 2013/_x000D_
Climate Changes-Energy-Need of Survival in Africa/ IRENA/ Bonn/ Germany;_x000D_
5. ILUNGA KAPONSOLA Georges-Environment and Education –Resort to Renewable Energies
Other activities
- 1°-Permanent Member of the National Green Economy Working Group since 2013;_x000D_
- 3°-Member of the National Council for Libreville Declaration on Health-Environment from 2011;_x000D_
4°-National Focal Point for Energy and Environment since 2011
Organisation name
University of Kinshasa
Organisation street address
2895/Boulevard du Palais de la Nation/Commune de la Gombe/Kinshasa/Democratic Republic of Congo
Organisation city