Independent experts nominated by country party

Graham Von Maltitz

First name
Last name
Von Maltitz
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Environmental sciences/ecology
Other Disciplines
1. Land Degradation 2. Systems ecology
3. Coupled human environmental systems 4. Sustainable land management
Thematic areas of disciplines: Areas of communal land tenure / tropical savanna, grassland and forest systems
Thematic Areas
Sustainable land management
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
South Africa
Job function
Principle Scientist / Research Group Leader
Natural Resources and the Environment
Telephone number
27 12 8413640
Work experience
Extensive experience in global change impacts on African Savanna systems.
10 years’ experience on social and environmental impacts of biofuel expansion in Africa.
Traditional fuel use and its environmental impacts and sustainable management.
Lead a group investigating the two-way vegetation climate feedbacks.
On the ground experience in community run soil and water conservation projects.
Research on peasant farmer based agricultural production systems.
Experience in Community Based Natural Resource management.
Led team that produced South Africa’s National Action Program (NAP) for UNCCD.
Contributed to a national carbon sinks assessment and atlas for South Africa.
Research on tradeoffs between industrial crops and food security.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
BSc, Botany/Zoology. University of the Witwatersrand (1983), BSc (Hon) Botany/Ecology. University of the Witwatersrand (1985), MSc (with distinction) Botany/Ecology. University of the Witwatersrand (1990), PhD Botany/Ecology. Nelson Mandela metropolitan University (2014)
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. von Maltitz, G.P. Gasparatos, A, Fabricius, C., Chittock, A and Willis, K.J. (2016) Jatropha cultivation in Malawi and Mozambique: impact on ecosystem services, local human well-being, and poverty alleviation.. Ecology and Society. 21(3).
2. 17. Reynolds, J.F., Grainger, A., Stafford Smith, D.M., Bastin, G., Arcia-Barrios, L, Fernandez R.J., Janssen M.A., Jurgens, N, Scholes,R.J., Veldkamp Ir, A. Verstraete, M.M., von Maltitz, G.P. and Zdruli. P. 2011. Scientific concepts for an integrated analysis of desertification. Land Degradation and Development. 22.166-183 DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1104
3. 18. Vogt, J., Safriel, U., von Maltitz, G.P., Sokona, Y., Zougmore, R., Bastin, G. and Hill, J. 2011. Monitoring and Assessment of Land Degradation and Desertification. Towards New Conceptual and Integrated Approaches. Land Degradation and Development. 22: 150-165. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1075
4. von Maltitz, G.P. (in Press) Chapter 12 Southern African Grassland in an era of Global Change in, Squires, V.R. and Feng, H. Grasslands of the World: Diversity, Management and Conservation.
5. Kellner, K., von Maltitz, G., Seely, M., Atlhopheng, J., Lindeque, L., van Rooyen, A., and Engelbrecht, F. Southern African arid lands -– current status and future prospects (2017). In Gaur, M.K. Squires V.R. (Eds.). Climate Variability Impacts on Land Use and Livelihoods in Drylands. Springer.
Total number of publications (including five above): 29 journal articles, 25 book chapters or peer reviewed and published reports
Other activities
1. Coordinating Lead Author on status of land degradation. IPBES Land Degradation and Restoration Assessment
2. Lead author or IPBES Africa assessment – Drivers Chapter
3. Member of the UNCCD Ad hoc advisory group of technical experts (AGTE)
4. Board member of Solidaridad Network Africa
5. Africa representative on the UNCCD Science Policy Interface
Organisation name
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Organisation nature
Organisation street address
P.O. Box 395
Organisation city
Organisation post code
Organisation country
South Africa