Independent experts nominated by country party

Guadalupe Palomino Hasbach

First name
Last name
Palomino Hasbach
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Plant Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Professor and Researcher
Faculty of Science
Telephone number
52 5 622 9045
Work experience
- Full time Researcher at the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico_x000D_
- Professor Specialist "B" at the Faculty of Science at UNAM, 1976 to date_x000D_
- Researcher working on the field speciality in "Caracterizacion de genotipos y sistemas geneticos en plantas mexicanas, en base al analisis de cromosomas meioticos, mitoticos y medicion del contenido de AND. Con engasis en especies de Leguminosas Liliaceas, Cactaceas y Comelinaceas con interes biosistematico, ecologico y comercial o especies amenazadas o en peligro de extincion._x000D_
- National Researcher at the National Researchers System (SIN) Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologica CONACYT, Mexico, 1986
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B. Sc. in Biology, Faculty of Science, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), 1967_x000D_
M. Sc. in Biology, Faculty of Science, UNAM, 1972_x000D_
Ph. D. in Biology, Faculty of Science, UNAM, 1982, Mexico
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Palomino, G., G. Romo and S. Zarate. 1995. Chromosome numbers and DNA content in some taxa od Leucaena (Fabaceae-Mimosoideae). Cytologia 60:31-37._x000D_
2. Martines J. and G. Palomino. 1996. Karyotype analysis in the new species of Echeandia (Liliceae) and cyptypes of E. reflexa. Cytologia 61:215-223_x000D_
3. Cid R. and G. Palomino. 1996. Cytotypes and meiotic behavior in Mexican Populations of Myrtillocactus geometrizans var. Goemetrizans (Cactaceae). Cytologia 61:343-348._x000D_
4. Goldblatt, P., D.E. Johnson (eds), Palominos G. y octos. 1991. Index to Plant Chromosome numbers 1988-1989. Mongraphs in: Systematic Botany from Missouri Botanical Garden. Vol. 40, 238 p._x000D_
5. Goldblatt, P., D.E. Johnson (eds) 1994. Indes to Plant Chromosome numbers 1990-1991. Monographs in: Systematic Botany from Missouri Botanical Garden. Vol 51, 267 p.
Other activities
- Courses of specialization: Royal Botanic Gardens Richmons Surrey. UK 1981-1982, 1985_x000D_
- Insitute of Exprimental Botany at Czech Republic_x000D_
- Author of (14) publications awarded in International Journals; (9) awarded in national journals; (2) International Technical Reports; (3) Chapter in books; (5) International books, (3) national books and (1) international books as editor
- Member of Mexican Botanical Society, 1986_x000D_
- Member of Mexican Phytogenetics Society, 1978_x000D_
- Member of mexican Genetics Society, 1988_x000D_
- Member of Botanical Society of America, 1991_x000D_
- Recipient of funds for researches from: CONACYT - Mexico, OEA, UNA
Organisation name
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Organisation street address
Ciudad Universitaria, 04510
Organisation city
México DF
Organisation country