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Independent experts nominated by country party

Gunilla Björklund

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Climate change and adaptation
Sustainable Development
Soil Degradation
Thematic Areas
Climate change
UN languages spoken



Job function
GeWa Consulting
Telephone number
+46 18 51 65 22
Work experience
•Jan 1998 - Director, GeWa Consulting, Marmorv 16A, S-752 44 Uppsala, SWEDEN. Work as consultant on sustainable development policy issues such as international water policy issues, land degradation issues, climate change adaptation related issues etc._x000D_
•Oct. 1998 - May 2001 Senior researcher (20%), division of Hydraulic Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Main duty to act as supervisor for PhD-students in Integrated Water Resources Management._x000D_
•Oct.1994 - December 1997 Commissioned by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs as Executive Secretary for the Comprehensive Freshwater Assessment Programme, conducted by Stockholm Environment Institute and the UN Agencies of the UN ACC for Water Resources, based at SEI. _x000D_
•Sept.1992 - Oct 1994 Special Adviser, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Development Assistance Division, responsible for environmental issues in multilateral assistance, including GEF, UNFCCC- and UNCCD-negotiations. _x000D_
•Oct.1990 - August 1992 Scientific Advisor, Swedish UNCED Secretariat, Ministry of the Environment, with responsibilities for inter alia freshwater issues, desertification, research, education and awareness issues. _x000D_
•Feb.1990 - Sept.1990 Project Leader for an Environmental Project at Swedish Television._x000D_
•Sept.1988 - Feb.1990 Programme Officer, International Secretariat of the IGBP, Global Change, Stockholm._x000D_
•1986 - Sept.1988 Assistant Professor in Physical Geography and Environmental Science, Karlstad University._x000D_
•1971-1985 Researcher/Student Counsellor in Geosciences/Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Geography, Uppsala.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
•PhD. 1984 in Physical Geography at Uppsala University, Sweden._x000D_
•BSc 1969, Geography as main subject, Stockholm University, Sweden
Publication titles
•A Geomorphological Evaluation of the Dalälven Area with an Assessment of Different Evaluation Models. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Abstracts of Uppsala Dissertation from the Faculty of Science 789, 1984 (Part of my PhD-thesis). _x000D_
•United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. AMBIO, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1992._x000D_
•In cooperation with representatives for UN/DPCSD, FAO, UNIDO, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO, WHO, WMO and the World Bank I was responsible for the preparation of "A Comprehensive Assessment of the Freshwater Resources of the World" presented as a secretary-general's report to the UN/CSD 1997 (E/CN.17/1997/9). _x000D_
•Water Resources. Challenges for development under different predicaments. In Mar del Plata. 20 year Anniversary Seminar. Water for the next 30 years. Averting the looming water crisis. SIWI Proceedings. Report 1. 1997. Together with M. Falkenmark._x000D_
•Assessing the world's freshwater resources. Published in Nature and Resources, the UNESCO quarterly journal on environment and natural resources research. Volume 34. No 1 January-March 1998. With A. Szöllosi-Nagy and P. Najlis.
Other activities
*Member of the Board of the International Water Resources Association, October 2006 - 2010._x000D_
*Member of the Board of the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography, appointed 2005 - 2010._x000D_
Member of the Board of the Swedish Aral Sea Society, 2002 and onwards. From 2010 I am the chairperson._x000D_
*Member of the Board of Governors to the World Water Council. (1996- 1997) and of the WWC Founding Committee 1994-96.
Organisation name
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Organisation street address
Marmorv 16 A, SE-752 44
Organisation city
Organisation country