Independent experts nominated by country party

Guobin Liu

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Soil and water conservation
watershed managment
Geographical Focus
Job function
Institute of Soil and Water Conservation
Telephone number
86 29 87012907
Work experience
- 2007-2011, 973 project: Assessment of impact on soil erosion and its indicators (2007CB407205)_x000D_
- 2006-2010, The State Science and technology Support Project: Vegetation Configuration Optimized and Sustained Management Construction Technology on Loess Plateau (2006BAD09B03; MOST and CAS)_x000D_
- 2006-2009, CAS West Action: Experimental and Demonstration Study on Soil Conservation and Sustainable Ecosystem Rehabilitation on the Loess Plateau (KZCX2-XB2-05; CAS)_x000D_
- 2000-2004, Experiment and demonstration research on soil conservation and eco- rehabilitation on the Loess Plateau (CAS) _x000D_
- 1997-2000, Watershed management in project of Participating approach for soil and water conservation planning integrating soil erosion modeling and land evaluation to improve the sustainability of land use on the Loess Plateau in China (EU) _x000D_
- 1997-2000, Watershed health indicators in the project of “Regional water and soil assessment for managing sustainable agriculture” (ACIAR, Australia Center for International Agricultural Research) _x000D_
- 1998-2001, Conservational eco-agricultural research in the county scale on the loess hilly and gully region (MOST, China) _x000D_
- 1996-2000, Key issues in regional soil conservation and sustainable agricultural development (MOST, China)_x000D_
- 1991-1995, Process and management research on watershed productivity (CAS)
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD soil science Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences _x000D_
and Ministry of Water Resources, 1996
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1.Guobin Liu, Hu Chunsheng et al. 1999. A guide to environmental indicators, CSIRO Land and Water Press. ACT. Australia _x000D_
2.Liu Guobin,et. al. 2010.Soil Erosion and Ecological Security in China—Northwest Loess Plateau Volume. Science Press_x000D_
3.Lu Zhongfan, Liang Yimin and Liu Guobin, 1997. Loess Plateau Eco-agriculture of China. Shaanxi Sciences and Technology Press_x000D_
4.Guobin Liu. 1999. Soil conservation and sustainable agriculture on the Loess Plateau: challenges and prospective, AMBIO, Vol. 28(8), 663-668_x000D_
5. Guobin Liu, Mingxiang Xu, and Coen Ritsema. 2003. Study on soil characteristics in a small watershed in the hilly-gullied area on the Loess Plateau in China. CATENA, Vol.54, p31-44
Other activities
1. Committee member, Advisory Committee of Science and Technology to Poverty Alleviation and Development, The State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development_x000D_
2. Deputy Director, Professional Committee of Ecological Restoration, Soil and Water Conservation Society of China _x000D_
3. Deputy Director, Professional Committee of Sustainable Use of Resources and Disaster Reduction, Natural Resources Society of China_x000D_
4. Vice-chairman, Soil and Water Conservation Society of Shaanxi Province _x000D_
5. Vice-chairman, Ecological society of Shaanxi Province
1. In 2008, agriculture Scientific Award of ZHOU Guang-zhao_x000D_
2. In 2005, The project of“Land Use and Soil Erosion in the Hilly-Gully Loess Region”was awarded Second Prize in the State Natural Science Award (Ranked Fourth)_x000D_
3. In 2006, prominent contribution expert of Shaanxi province.
Organisation name
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organisation street address
No. 26 Xinong Rd, 712100
Organisation city
Yangling, Shaanxi Province
Organisation country