Independent experts nominated by country party

Guofang Shen

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Job function
Professor, Vice-president
Chinese Academy of Engineering
Telephone number
86 10 62 33 89 40
Work experience
During my career as the teacher of silviculture, I have been the author of 6 textbooks and monographs of silviculture based on my personal observations and research results, and literature sources. My research activities, conducted mainly as the project leader, were concentrated mostly on the plantation silviculture in arid, sub-arid and dry sub-humid zones of China. I have been the consultant for the Ministry of Forestry, China, and the Beijing Municipal Government for more than 10 years. Only recently, in 1996-1997, as an advisory project leader in Chinese Academy of Engineering I have conducted a series of field study in the mountainous regions of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan Provinces.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
China, Beijing Agricultural University, 1950-1951._x000D_
USSR, Leningrad Forest Technical Academy, 1951-1956, Diploma of Engineer of Forestry.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Silviculture (textbook), Agriculture Publishing House, Beijing, 1961 (Chief editor)._x000D_
2. Silviculture of Main Tree Species of China, Agriculture Publishing House, Beijing, 1978 (co-editor)._x000D_
3. Shen Guofang et al., 1981, The Influence of Site Factor on the Growth of Pinus Tabulaeformis, IUFRO proceedings, Vienna, p. 173-178._x000D_
4. Shen Guofang et al., 1991, Techniques for Rehabilitation of Sylvo-pastoral Ecosystem in Arid Zones, 10th World Forestry Congress Proceedings, vol. 3, Paris, p. 265-271._x000D_
5. Silvicultural Techniques of China, Chinese Forestry Publishing House, 1993 (Chief editor).
Other activities
1. President, Beijing Forestry University (1986-1993)._x000D_
2. President, Chinese Society of Forestry (1993-1997)._x000D_
3. Standing member, science and technical committee, Ministry of Forestry, China._x000D_
4. Consultant, Beijing Municipality Government._x000D_
5. Editor-in-chief, Scientia Silvae Sinicae.
1. National Award of Science and Technology Progress, 1986._x000D_
2. Ministry of Forestry Award of Science and Technology Progress, 1981, 1987, 1989._x000D_
3. National May 1 medal, 1996.
Organisation name
Beijing Forestry University
Organisation street address
Qinghuadong Road 35, 100083
Organisation city
Organisation country