Independent experts nominated by country party

Gustavo Julio Febles Pérez

First name
Gustavo Julio
Last name
Febles Pérez
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Plant Science
Animal Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Telephone number
53 99180
Work experience
1963-1965. Profesor of Biology. University of Habana._x000D_
1968-1969. Member and advisory of the Cuban journal of Agricultural Science._x000D_
1971. Chief of the Plant Science Division_x000D_
1973. Chief of a national subjet in the National Science and Technology Committee._x000D_
1973-1999 Member of the Scientific council in teh Institute Animal Science_x000D_
1978. Member of the National Expert Comision in pastures of teh National Expert of the Science and Technology Committee._x000D_
1984-1989. Director assistant for post graduate education Institute Animal Science_x000D_
1990-Head of the National Staff for PhD. In Plant Science._x000D_
1995-2002. Member of the National Group of Desertification and Drought. Ministry Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA)
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Doctor in natural science, University of Havana, 1964; Diplom in tropical agronomy, Australia, University of Queeinsland, 1973; PhD in Agricultural Science, University of Havana, 1981
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1998. Comportamiento de pastizales de leguminosas durante el periodo seco en Cuba. Evento Estrategias de alimentacion para la ganaderia tropical. T.E Ruiz y G. Febles. Magister Conference._x000D_
1. 1999. Evaluacion de especies arboreas para la ganaderia. En: sexto Seminario Internacional de Sistemas Sostenibles de produccion agropecuaria. Cali Colombia. G. Febles y T.E. Ruiz. Magister Conference._x000D_
3. 1999. Estudios conducidos por el Instituto de Ciencial Animal en leguminosas arboreas. Primera Conferencia electronica. FAO Roma. (Grupo de autores) Magister Conference)_x000D_
2000. Evaluacion de leguminosas arboreas tropicales En: Evento Sistemas Agroflorestais Pecuarios na América do Sul. Brasil G. Febles y T. E. Ruiz. Magister Conference._x000D_
2001. Métodos agrotécnicos para el establecimiento de leguminosas arboreas En: International Symposium on silvopastoral systems G. Febles y T.E. Ruiz J. Alonso. Costa Rica. Magister Conference.
Other activities
Member of the national and international association in different fields Plant Science.
Member of the National Expert Comision in pastures of the National Expert of the Science and Technology Commietee._x000D_
Director assistant for pos graduate education Institute Animal Science_x000D_
Head of the Ntional staff for PhD. In Plant Science.
Organisation name
Instituto de Ciencia Animal
Organisation street address
Km 47 1/2, Carretera Central, San José de Las Lajas
Organisation city
La Habana
Organisation country