Independent experts nominated by country party

Hanspeter Liniger

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Soil and water conservation
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Telephone number
+41 31 631 88 22
Work experience
Senior Research Scientist, Coordinator of the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies WOCAT. Professional focus on evaluation of natural resource management: soil and water conservation / sustainable land management (SLM), development of tools for documenting, evaluating, monitoring, dissemination of SLM technologies and approaches. Development of decision support tools for selection of best SLM practices and areas of application. Assessment of local and regional impacts of land degradation and SLM on water and soil productivity. Special focus on Dryland ecosystems. Training of professionals and supervision of students.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD in Science: Water conservation, University of Bern, Switzerland, 1989.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Critchley, W. and Liniger H.P. 2007: WOCAT: A framework for monitoring and evaluation of soil and water conservation initiatives. In: de Graaff, J., Cameron, J., Sombatpanit, S., Pieri, C. and Woodhill, J. 2007: Monitoring and Evaluation of soil conservation and watershed development projects. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, USA, ISBN: 978-1-57808-349-7, 477-491._x000D_
2. Liniger H.P. and Schwilch G. 2002: Better decision making based on local knowledge - WOCAT method for stainable soil and water management, Mountain Research and Development Journal, 22 Vol. 1:14-18, February 2002, Bern._x000D_
3. Liniger H, Gikonyo J, Kiteme B, Wiesmann U. 2005. Assessing and managing scarce tropical mountain water resources - the case of Mount Kenya and the semi-arid Upper Ewaso Ng’iro Basin. Mountain Research and Development 25(2); 163-173._x000D_
4. Notter B., MacMillan L., Viviroli D., Weingartner R, Liniger H.P. 2007: Impacts of environmental change on water resources in the Mt. Kenya region, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 343, Issues 3-4: 266-278, Elsevier, Amsterdam._x000D_
5. Schwilch G., Bachmann F., and Liniger H.P. 2009. A methodology for appraising and selecting conservation measures to mitigate desertification and land degradation based on stakeholder participation and global best practices. Land Degrad. Develop. 20: 3008-326. Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/ldr.920).
Other activities
Member of the WASWC: World association of sol and water conservation
Organisation name
University of Bern
Organisation street address
Hallerstrasse 10, 3012
Organisation city
Organisation country