Independent experts nominated by country party
Harendra Teotia
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Soil Science
Soil Science
UN languages spoken
Job function
Dept of Soil and Rural Engineering
Telephone number
55 83 3622300
Work experience
- Researcher on Aerial Photointerpretation on FAO/UNDP's project "Water Management in Rajasthan Canal Area Bikaner, India, Nov. 1966 to April 1971._x000D_
- Vice-Director and researcher in FAO/UNDP project in India, May 1971 to June 1973._x000D_
- Training Director and researcher in IPI Dehradun, India, July 1973 to June 1994._x000D_
- Vice-Director and researcher in CAD & DPAP World bank Projects in Rajasthan Canal Area, Rajasthan, India, July 1974 to August 1976._x000D_
- Research Fellow at the KUL, Leuven, Belgium, September 1976 to May 1981._x000D_
- Vice Director and Researcher in USAID Project, India, August 1981 to December 1981._x000D_
- Professor of Remote Sensing and Photointerpretation at the Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB), Brazil, January 1982 to present._x000D_
- Post Doctoral Fellow and visiting professor at the University of Connecticut, USA, Storrs, July 1987 to July 1989.
- Vice-Director and researcher in FAO/UNDP project in India, May 1971 to June 1973._x000D_
- Training Director and researcher in IPI Dehradun, India, July 1973 to June 1994._x000D_
- Vice-Director and researcher in CAD & DPAP World bank Projects in Rajasthan Canal Area, Rajasthan, India, July 1974 to August 1976._x000D_
- Research Fellow at the KUL, Leuven, Belgium, September 1976 to May 1981._x000D_
- Vice Director and Researcher in USAID Project, India, August 1981 to December 1981._x000D_
- Professor of Remote Sensing and Photointerpretation at the Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB), Brazil, January 1982 to present._x000D_
- Post Doctoral Fellow and visiting professor at the University of Connecticut, USA, Storrs, July 1987 to July 1989.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Agrarian University of Agra, India, 1966_x000D_
M. Sc. in Remote Sensing, Kul Leuven, Belgium, 1978_x000D_
Ph. D. in Remote Sensing for Soil and Land Use Studies, Kul Leuven, Belgium_x000D_
Post Doctorate, Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, University of Conneticut, USA, 1988
M. Sc. in Remote Sensing, Kul Leuven, Belgium, 1978_x000D_
Ph. D. in Remote Sensing for Soil and Land Use Studies, Kul Leuven, Belgium_x000D_
Post Doctorate, Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, University of Conneticut, USA, 1988
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. FAO/UNDP 1971. Semi-Detailed Soil Survey and Land Classification of the Bikaner Lift Area. AGL:SF/IND 24, TR 1.8 Rome._x000D_
2. Gombeer, R., H.S. Teotia, 1980. General Soil and Land Use Distribution over the Indian Sub-Continent as Discernible on GOES-I Satellite Imagery. Pedology 30, 1. Belgium, pp. 115-125._x000D_
3. Teotia H. S. 1992. Present and Future of Remote Sensing and GIS for Natural Resources Management in Northeastern University of Brazil. Proc. of ASPRS GLOBAL CHANGE AND EDUCATION, Washington D.C. 1992. pp. 325-335._x000D_
4. Ulbricht, K.A, H.S. Teotia, W.D. Heckndorf and D.L. Civco, 1995. International Scientific Cooperation. Application of Remote Sensing for Development Purposes. ISPRS Journal of Remote Sensing. pp._x000D_
5. Teotia, H.S., Seemant Teotia, K.A. Ulbricht, P. Reinartz, 1966. Relevance of MOMS-02 in Developing Countries Future Programs of Natural Resources. C. Recources and Environmental Info. Manage. Proc. of ECO-INFORMA, USA.
2. Gombeer, R., H.S. Teotia, 1980. General Soil and Land Use Distribution over the Indian Sub-Continent as Discernible on GOES-I Satellite Imagery. Pedology 30, 1. Belgium, pp. 115-125._x000D_
3. Teotia H. S. 1992. Present and Future of Remote Sensing and GIS for Natural Resources Management in Northeastern University of Brazil. Proc. of ASPRS GLOBAL CHANGE AND EDUCATION, Washington D.C. 1992. pp. 325-335._x000D_
4. Ulbricht, K.A, H.S. Teotia, W.D. Heckndorf and D.L. Civco, 1995. International Scientific Cooperation. Application of Remote Sensing for Development Purposes. ISPRS Journal of Remote Sensing. pp._x000D_
5. Teotia, H.S., Seemant Teotia, K.A. Ulbricht, P. Reinartz, 1966. Relevance of MOMS-02 in Developing Countries Future Programs of Natural Resources. C. Recources and Environmental Info. Manage. Proc. of ECO-INFORMA, USA.
Other activities
- Pedologie Society of Belgium_x000D_
- American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)_x000D_
- Indian Remotes Sensing Society_x000D_
- Brazilian Soil Science Society_x000D_
- Brazilian Remote Sensing Society (to be renewed)
- American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)_x000D_
- Indian Remotes Sensing Society_x000D_
- Brazilian Soil Science Society_x000D_
- Brazilian Remote Sensing Society (to be renewed)
- Fellowship from the Government of India, 1962-1966_x000D_
- Research Fellowship from the Catholic University of Leuven (KUL), Belgium, 1976-1981_x000D_
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the CNPQ, Brasilia, Brazil, 1987-1989_x000D_
- CNPQ Researcher since 1982_x000D_
- Coordinato
- Research Fellowship from the Catholic University of Leuven (KUL), Belgium, 1976-1981_x000D_
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the CNPQ, Brasilia, Brazil, 1987-1989_x000D_
- CNPQ Researcher since 1982_x000D_
- Coordinato
Organisation name
Universidade Federal de Paraiba
Organisation street address
Av. Aprigio Veloso, 880, 58397-000, Areia
Organisation city
Organisation country