Independent experts nominated by country party

Hassan El Shaer

First name
Last name
El Shaer
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
Animal Science
UN languages spoken



Job function
Animal & Poultry Nutrition
Telephone number
202 2435519
Work experience
Animal Nutrition
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B.Sc. Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 1972_x000D_
M.Sc. Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University 1977_x000D_
Ph.D. Animal Nutarition, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain shams University, 1981
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. El Shaer. H.M. (1995). Potential use of cultivated range plants as animal feed in the Mediterranean zone of Egypt. Proc. of the 8th Meeting of the FAO working group on Mediterranean pastures and fodder crops. "Sylvopastoral Systems, Environmental, Agricultural and Economic sustainability", Avignon, France, 29 May - 2 June 1995._x000D_
2. El Shaer, H.M (1996). Rangelands as feed resources in the Egyptian desert Management and improvement. Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Desert Development in the Arab Gulf countries, State of Kuwait, 23-26, March 1996._x000D_
3. El Shaer, H.M., Kandil, H.M. Khamis, H.S. and Abou El Nasr, H.M. (1996) Alternative feed supplement resources for sheep and goats in Egypt. Proc. of Seminar on recent. Advances in Small Ruminants Nutrition, Oct. 24-26, 1996, Rabat, Morocco._x000D_
4. Kandil, H.M., El Shaer, H.M., Khamis, H.S. and Abou El Nasr; H.M. 1996. Feeding desert goats on some ensiled fodder shrubs supplemented with ground date stones in Sinai: Proc. Regional Worksho
Organisation name
Desert Research Center
Organisation street address
1 Mathaf El Mataria_x000D_
Box 11753
Organisation city
Organisation country