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Independent experts nominated by country party

Hassan Hendy

Prof. Dr.
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Plant Science
Thematic Areas
Sustainable agriculture
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Prof. Dr.
Plant Protection Department, Divieion of Ecology and Dry Land Agricuture
Telephone number
+202 263 30759 / 32757/00201005820222
Work experience
) 1-_x000D_
Cooperation With Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Egypt, in the_x000D_
following Domain _x000D_
A- Lecturer (Charge de Cours), Phytopatholgy, Nematology, and zoology at the (institute Superieur D' Agriculture), ISA_x000D_
B- Nematode Researches in Burundi with different publication, specially on Coffee, Banana, Corn, Haricot, Cotton and Other Crops under _x000D_
Subtropical conditions._x000D_
C- (1987 – 1988) Editorial Secretary of (Revue des technique Agrcoles_x000D_
Tropicals) ; I.S.A. Burundi. _x000D_
2- (1993) (9 month) Post Doctor training, Remote Sensing in Plant_x000D_
Protection, Arizona UNIV., U.S.A_x000D_
3-(1994) (6 month) Post Doctor, Peace fellowship, Deterioration of biological control activity of nematode pathogenic fungi in cornell _x000D_
University Cornell UNIV. U.S.A. _x000D_
4-Oct. 2001 – Oct. 2005 Egypt representative, Sahara and Sahel _x000D_
Observatory (OSS), with the following basic objectives:_x000D_
5-Oct.2005- May 2007: Professor of Nematology (Since 1994)_x000D_
Vice Chairman and Chairman of Division of Ecology and Dry Land Agriculture (since 01/03/2006) up to now.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
D. Sc. (Doctor D'Etat) (Contribution A l' Etude Des relations Hotes-Parasites Chez Les Nematodes Phytophages Du Genre Meloidopgyne, Genetique Et mecanismes De La Resistance Chez Capsicum spp). ( Science, Nematology Montpelier, France. (1984)
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1- 1989.Osman.A.A.and Hendy, H.H. Rootstocks and transplants as a _x000D_
major source of nematode infestation in newly reclaimed soil with _x000D_
special reference to Salhia Project in Egypt .Bull . Fac .of Agric.,Cairo_x000D_
Univ.,40; 495- 504_x000D_
2-: 2007. Ragay M., Hendy H. H., Khashba H.. Abd El-Mabod M. F. _x000D_
Water extracts of some wild plants as a mean of none chemical control against the two land snails Monacha cartusiana (müller) and Theba pisana (müller) under laboratory condition ._x000D_
Agriculture science magazine, Mansoura Univ.No . (12) , vol . (32)_x000D_
3-:1985 HENDY H. ; DALMASSO A. ; CARDIN M. C. ;_x000D_
Differences in resistant Capsicum annuum attacked by different Meloidogyne species .Nematologica ISSN 0028-2596,No . n°1 , vol . 31_x000D_
4- . (1985) HENDY, H. ,pochard, E. and Dalmasso, A Transmission hereditaire de la resistance aux nematodes Meloidogyne chitwood (Tylenchida) portee par 2 lighnees de Capsicum annuum L. Etude de descendances homozygotes issues d androgenese . Agronomise 5:93-100._x000D_
5- 1993 M .S Moran1 , H .HENDY ……….. Evaluating energy balance of semiarid rangeland from combined optical –microwave remote sensing_x000D_
Univ . of Arizona, Dept of soil and water Science, Tucson, Az. 85719_x000D_
Proceeding of IEEE Co-MEAS ? 93 Topical Symposium, March 22-25, 1993 in Albuquerque, NM
Other activities
1-Editorial secretary of (The Desert Institute Bulleting, Egypt 1995 –_x000D_
2-Head and member of training Committee, DRC, Cairo (1995 – 2001)._x000D_
-Environmental Protection (Non Chemical control of pests)._x000D_
-Land Use planning._x000D_
-Remote Sensing , GIS, DBASE_x000D_
4-Rural development of El-QASR region, Egypt (GTZ) 1989 – 1992._x000D_
Biological controls of Nematode (1989 – 1994) NARP project._x000D_
5-Basic Socio – Economic & technical indicator for investment and _x000D_
location of land Reclamation projects for public private sector in Egypt._x000D_
1996 – 2000
Organisation name
Desert Research Center
Organisation street address
Desert Research Center, 11753
Organisation city
Organisation country