Independent experts nominated by country party

Heinrich (Heinz) Beckedahl

First name
Heinrich (Heinz)
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Soil science
Other Disciplines
1. Applied Geomorphology & process studies 2. Wetland rehabilitation
Thematic areas of disciplines: Geomorphology and Environmental Science
Thematic Areas
Land degradation
Soil conservation
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
South Africa
Job function
Department of Geography, Environmental Science and Planning
Telephone number
Work experience
Professor Heinz Beckedahl’s research interest lies in Applied Geomorphology and in geomorphic processes, with a special interest in rehabilitation and the prevention and management of land degradation. Prof Beckedahl is an established researcher with more than 87 publications to his name, including 3 books. He has supervised in excess of 50 Masters and more than 15 PhD students to completion, four of whom were registered at highly respected universities in Germany, and is currently supervising three PhDs and four MSc’s. He has served (and continues to serve) on several national and international committees relevant to his field of interest, including WOCAT International, and IECA. He has served as external examiner for five South African and four German Universities, and has been invited as Guest Professor to three different universities in Germany and one in Sweden. In addition he is periodically called upon to act as specialist consultant to give input into challenging environmental rehabilitation projects, which in turn feed back into his training of senior students.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD 1996 FROM NATAL in Geomorphology and Environmental Science
BSc 1976; BSc(hons) 1978
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1). Beckedahl, H.R., 1998: Aspects of Subsurface Erosion Phenomena in Eastern Southern Africa, Petermann’s Geographische Mitteilungen, Supplementband Serie 245, 213p.
2). Beckedahl, H.R. and Gilli, A., 2008: Problem Soils and the Rehabilitation of Erosion, Problem Soils in South Africa – Proceedings of the South African Institute for Engineering and Environmental Geologist’s Conference on Problem Soils, 3 – 4 November, 2008, Midrand, South Africa, 75-79.
3). Hill,T., Beckedahl, H.R. and Moodley, M., 2011: Influence of unpaved forestry access roads on surface runoff, sediment loss and soil water. Report to the Water Research Commission, Report No. K5/1807/4, Aqua Green Consulting, Durban. 114p.
4) Krueger, J-P; Beckedahl, H.R.; Gerold,G.; Jungkunst, H., 2013: Greenhouse gas emission peaks following natural rewetting of two wetlands in the southern Ukhalhamba-Drakensberg Park, South Africa. South African Geographical Journal, 95(4), 20-24,
5) Marambanyika, T., Beckedahl, H.R., 2017: Institutional Arrangements Governing Wetland Utilization and Conservation in Communal Areas of Zimbabwe. Review of Social Sciences. 2(1), 1-16. Dx.
Other activities
1. Member of SAAG the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists;
2. Member of LaRSSA Land Rehabilitation Society of Southern Africa;
3. Member of the Wetlands Society of South Africa;
4. Member of the SSAG, the Society of Southern African Geographers
1. Invited to give the keynote address at the SAAG biennial conference in 2015
2. Invited by different European Universities to run courses as a Guest Professor on five separate occasions; twice by the same institution.
3. Is an honorary researcher at UKZN after being on the full-time staff there for 26 years
Organisation street address
University of Swaziland. Kwaluseni Campus, Swaziland and
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg Campus
Organisation country