Independent experts nominated by country party

Hildegardo Cordova-Aguilar

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Rural Development
UN languages spoken



Job function
Full Professor
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Telephone number
0511-626 2000 EXT. 4530/4533
Work experience
I have a large experience in studying livelihoods in arid lands in the Peruvian Andes, especially in the Colca Valley, northwestern Perú, and the Mantaro valley. I have made field work along the Peruvian coast and sierra with students and made rural developmental proposals. Currently I am working is association with the Municipality of the District of Frías-Piura in the introduction of wild fruit to agriculture and also in designing strategies to confront the climate change effects. During the 1980s I was leading a research project in the sierra of Piura in association with the French Institute for Development (ORSTOM). The main object was to find out the roots of backwardness of subsistence. We worked with school teachers, rural leaders and women. As a result of this we published a four-volume report that has been the basis for many subsequent development proposals to the sierra of Piura.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1982); Dr. Geography, University of San Marcos –Lima (1980); M.A. Geography, University of Texas-Austin (1972), B.A in Geography, University of San Marcos – Lima (1969)
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. MirosLawa Czerny and Hildegardo Córdova-Aguilar (2014) Livelihood - Hope and Conditions of a New Paradigm for Development Studies. The Case of Andean Regions. 179 p (Nova Science, New York). _x000D_
2. Hildegardo Córdova-Aguilar (2009) El Perú y sus Recursos. Una mirada desde la geografía económica. Lima, 416 p. Asamblea Nacional de Rectores._x000D_
3. Hildegardo Córdova-Aguilar (2002). Naturaleza y Sociedad: Una introducción a la geografía. Lima. 307 p. Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú._x000D_
4. Hildegardo Córdova-Aguilar (1992). “Firewood Use and the Effect on the Ecosystem: A Case Study of the Sierra of Piura, Northwestern Perú” Geojournal 26.3 p: 297-309 Kluwer Academic Publishers._x000D_
5. Hildegardo Córdova-Aguilar and Nicole Bernex (1984). Importancia de los caprinos en el ecosistema y en la economía campesina del Despoblado de Piura. Lima, 175 p. INIPA-University of California-Davis, Proyecto Caprinos del Norte.
Other activities
1. Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers_x000D_
2. Unión Geográfica de América Latina_x000D_
3. Sociedad Geográfica de Lima
1. Guggenheim Fellow_x000D_
2. Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence_x000D_
3. Enlaces Award of the Conference of Latin American Geographers
Organisation name
Universidad de Lima
Organisation street address
Av. Universitaria 1801, Lima 32
Organisation city
Organisation country