Independent experts nominated by country party

Huining Kang

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Job function
College of Basic Science and Information
Telephone number
86 10 62 33 83 75
Work experience
I have been working in Beijing Forestry University for 13 years, teaching Mathematics. My research interest is concerned with the application of mathematics and computer in forestry. Following are some of my relevant work experiences:_x000D_
1987, developed a MIS software named "MIS of Water and Soil Conservation" for Suide Bureau of Water and Soil Conservation inf GanSu Province._x000D_
1989: Worked as a member of the group making plans for regeneration of forest resources in fires slash of the Greater Xing'an Mountains._x000D_
1991-1996, Project "The growth and management models and optimal control of main commercial forest in China" supported by NSF of China.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
M.Sc. 1984, B.Sc. 1982, Applied Mathematics, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. H. Kang, 1993, Dynamic Model of Growth Variety of Stand Structure, Journal of Beijing Forestry University, Vol. 15(1): 39-48._x000D_
2. H. Kang, 1995, Transitioin Locus of Tree and Solution for the Growth Equation of Forest-stand, Journal of Beijing Forstry University, Vol. 17(2):9-15._x000D_
3. H. Kang, Q. Ma, J. Yuan, 1996, Estimation of carbon sink function of forests in China, Chin. J. Appl. Ecol. Vol. 7(3):230-234._x000D_
4. H. Kang, 1994, A New Approach to Methods for Estimating Parameters of Weibull Distribution, Collected Essays of the Young Forest Scientists, China Forest Publishing House._x000D_
5. F. Shen, H. Kang, J. Li, 1995, Further Study on the Analysis of Pressure-Volume Curves, Plant Physiology Communications, Vol. 31(4):286-289.
Other activities
Vice chief of Chinese Agricultural Applied Mathematics association.
Organisation name
Beijing Forestry University
Organisation street address
Organisation city
Organisation country