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Independent experts nominated by country party

Isabelle Droy

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Socio economy
Agricultural Sciences
Thematic Areas
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
UMI Resiliences_ IRD, Centre de recherche d’Ile de France
Telephone number
33 06 84426556
Work experience
Research focuses on strategies that individuals, households and communities are implementing to adapt and/or to be resilient in Madagascar and some sub-saharian african countries (Mali, Benin, Niger) when they are affected by environmental, social, economic or political changes or shocks. Description of links between the vulnerability of individuals or households to that of the ecosociosystems in which they are embedded helps to understand social and environmental dynamics interactions. Especially, it seeks to understand the root causes of individuals or groups inequalities (gender, status, socio-cultural) and social vulnerability and their consequences on the ability to manage adaptation or resilience. _x000D_
Using the capabilities approach, analysis and evolution of rural livelihoods are documented through socio-economic observatories of rural household_x000D_
2009-2012 Scientific co-manager for Vupol research project (Vunerabilty and public policies in Mali)_x000D_
2008-2010. Scientific co-manager of Vasa research project (Vulnerability and adaptations of socioecosystems in Benin Niger and Mali)_x000D_
2008-2010. Scientific manager of the axis of research “Social Vulnerability” in the Eclis project ‘Livestock Climate and Society’, funded by the French National Research Agency, ANR (Mali, Niger, Benin and Senegal)._x000D_
2003-2005. Scientific co-manager on poverty-inequality research program of the Maritim Guinea Observatories, University of Bordeaux III – A.F.V.P (funded by A.F.D and F.F.E.M)_x000D_
2001. Scientific manager of a study on gender issues in French development programs, on behalf of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE- I.F.A.I.D)_x000D_
Thematic areas: Vulnerability, - social resilience, rural develpment, poverty, livelihood analysis, food security
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD thesis, « Women and Rural Development Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa »– advisor: P.Judet, R.M Rochette. University of Grenoble, 1985
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Bidou J.-E., Droy I., 2013. De la vulnérabilité individuelle aux syndromes de vulnérabilité : quelles mesures ? Revue Tiers Monde, n° 213, janvier-mars, 123-142_x000D_
2. Droy I., Morand P., 2013. « Les grands aménagements sur le fleuve Niger : atout pour le Mali ou facteur de vulnérabilité pour ses populations rurales ? », Mondes en développement, 2013/4 n° 164, p. 57-70._x000D_
3. Droy I., Bélières J-F., Bidou J-E., 2012. Entre crise et rebond: questions autour de la durabilité des systèmes de production cotonniers au Mali. European Journal of Development Research Vol. 24, 3, 491–508_x000D_
4. Bidou, J. E., & Droy, I., 2007, Pauvreté et vulnérabilité alimentaire dans le Sud de Madagascar : les apports d'une approche diachronique sur un panel de ménages. (with J-E. Bidou) Vulnérabilité, pauvreté et stratégies de survie, Mondes en développement, 35 (2007/4,140), , 45-64._x000D_
5. Droy, I., 2006. « Quel apport de l'approche par les capabilités pour l'analyse des inégalités de genre ? » Amartya Sen, un économiste du développement V. Reboud ed. AFD, Paris, ND, n°30, p. 125-148.
Other activities
1. Membership of CSFD (French Scientfic Committee on Desertification) _x000D_
2. Membership of GEMDEV (Scientific Network on Globalisation and Development )
Organisation name
Institut de recherche pour le Développement
Organisation street address
UMI Resiliences_x000D_
32 avenue Henri Varagnat 93143 Bondy cedex
Organisation city
Organisation country