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Independent experts nominated by country party

Ismail Hamdi Mahmoud EL Bagouri

First name
Ismail Hamdi Mahmoud
Last name
EL Bagouri
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
UN languages spoken




Geographical Focus
Job function
Professor Emeritus
Desert Research Center
Telephone number
202 451 26330709
Work experience
Principal investigator, project manager, and team member of the following projects carried out over thirty years (1971-2001):_x000D_
Resource management of rainfed areas in Egypt; Production of cereals under rainfed conditions in 4 Arab countries. Reclamation of sandy soils; Management of sandy soils; Management of calcareous soils; Alternative Farming systems for sandy and calcareous soils; Evaluation of drip irrigation technologies under Egyptian desert soils; Integrated farming systems for desert development; Use of sulphur for soil reclamation; Micro-nutrients in plant nutrition in Egypt; Use of saline water and TSE in desert agriculture; Halophytes in Agriculture._x000D_
The previous projects were carried out in collaboration with: IDRC, IFAD, ACSAD, USA, AID, GTZ, CEDARE, ICARDA, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Amer. Univ. in Cairo, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Res, and Arabian Gulf University.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D, Agr. Chem&Soils, U. of Arizona 1966. M. Sc. Soil Chem. Univ. of Manitoba, Canada 1962. B. Sc. Soils, Univ. of Ein Shams, Egypt. 1958
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. El-Bagouri, I. H. (2008). Adaptation Measures for Productive Dryland to Cope with Possible Climate change Impacts in Egypt. Ninth International Conference on Dryland Development" Sustainable Development in Drylands - Meeting the Challenge of Global Climate Change" IDDC.7-10 nov.2008 Alexandria Egypt._x000D_
2. El-Bagouri, I. H. (2008). Management of productive lands of Egypt International Geo-sphere- Biosphere programme (IGBP) Regional Workshop – MENA. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), 20-21 Nov.2008 .Cairo Egypt._x000D_
3. El-Bagouri, I. H. (2007). Land Degradation Control in Northern Africa. In Climate and land Degradation, Sivakumar, M.V. and Ndiangui, N. Eds. pp392-404 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York._x000D_
4. El-Bagouri, I. H. (2007). "Interaction of Climate Change and Land Degradation – the Experience in the Arab World" UN Chronicle Vol. XLIV – Number 2 Pp 50-52 June 2007._x000D_
5. El-Bagouri, I.H. (2004). Alternative Farming Systems for the Sustainable Development of Desert Calcareous Soils. UNCCD Fourth Forum of Africa – Latin America and Caribbean "Inter-Regional Platform of Cooperation", UNCCD. 25-29 November 2004, Tunis, Tunisia.
Other activities
1. Scientific Advisor. Egyptian Desertification Observatory (July 2008 till present)._x000D_
2. Member. National Committee for Soil Sciences. Acad. Sci. Res. Tech. Egypt (Aug. 2004 till present)._x000D_
3. Member. National Committee for Environment and International Programme for Land and Biosphere. ASRT, Egypt. (Aug. 2003 till present)._x000D_
4. Chairman of Permanent Committee for Promoting Staff members in Soils Disciplines. (Aug. 2006 till present)._x000D_
5. Member of the National Team Formulating "Egypt's Environmental Plan (2003-2017) Ministry of Environmental Affairs – UNDP (2003).
1. Member of the "Group of Experts" CST, UNCCD (Nov. 2002 – Dec. 2007)._x000D_
2. Member of the World Bank Review Committee for the Assessment of the 2nd stage of "Arid Land Initiative" in Five Middle East Countries (Oct. 2001 – Jan. 2002)._x000D_
3. His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Chair Prof. of Desert Sciences. Arabian Gulf University. Manama, Bahrain (1995-1998).
Organisation name
Desertification Research Center
Organisation street address
1 Mathaf El-Matariah St._x000D_
Matariah, Box 1173
Organisation city
Organisation country