Independent experts nominated by country party

Jamshid Sabetan Fadaee

First name
Last name
Sabetan Fadaee
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken


Job function
Senior Expert
Watershed Management Department
Telephone number
98 21 898247
Work experience
I worked 8 years for sand duen fixation in South of Iran (Khozestan) Division of Forest and Range Organization, and I have worked in watershed management for about 14 years.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B.S. Range Management Gorgan University in Iran, 1972._x000D_
B.S. Environmental resources in agriculture in USA 1980._x000D_
M.S. of science in agricultural management in USA, 1983.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Agribusiness progress in Iran 1983, pages 88 ASU._x000D_
2. Sand dune fixation management for agricultural area 1984 in 30 pages._x000D_
3. Deterioration process of the renewable resources 1993 in 20 pages._x000D_
4. Deterioration of land is threat for human environment 1994 in 45 pages._x000D_
5. Improving natural vegetations in the range management 1994 in 10 pages.
Other activities
Member of watershed management associations of Iran.
1. From department of propagation Iran._x000D_
2. From Directorship of watershed management in Shiraz, Iran.
Organisation name
Watershed Management Department
Organisation street address
4th Floor, Jihad's Bld. N°2, Jihad Sq., Fatemi St.
Organisation city