Independent experts nominated by country party

Jean Ndembo Longo

First name
Last name
Ndembo Longo
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Climate change and adaptation
Thematic Areas
UN languages spoken



Job function
Conservation of Nature and Tourism, Ministry of Environment
Telephone number
00 243 815429922
Work experience
1.Former vice chair of the Committee for Science and Technology / UNCCD (2011 to 2013)_x000D_
2.National Project Coordinator entitled “Strengthening the capacity of the agricultural sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo for planning and response to additional threats posed by climate change on food production and food security" or PANA-ASA Project._x000D_
3. Since 1983, CGEA-CREN-K: Management of water resource in the unsaturated zone (characterization, evaluation and hydrodynamics with conventional and isotopic techniques) to increase agricultural production, preservation of groundwater against pollutants and preservation of agricultural soil against water erosion._x000D_
Areas of Disciplines: Aagricultural Adaptation to climate change3. Isotope hydrology 4. Geochemistry, Geographical areas of experience and focus; DR Congo, Central African Countries
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Ndembo Longo J, Plummer N., Travi Y., Vitvar,T. (2013). The use of Multiple Environmental Tracers in Age Interpretation of the Mount-Amba aquifer, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Isotopes in Hydrology, Marine Ecosystems and Climate Change Studies. Proccedings of an International Symposium, Monaco, Vol. 2, pp. 299-308._x000D_
2. Ndembo L.J., Mfumu K.A., Lukanda M.V., Nlandu W. J., Mukendi K. Kom’bele D.G., (2012) : Apport des informations spatiales à la gestion intégrée des bassins versants : Cas du bassin versant de la Funa, à Kinshasa / RD Congo, RCSN, Vol. XXVI n°1, juin 2012, pp.180-191._x000D_
3. Mfumu, K.A., Ndembo, L.J., Lukanda, M.V., Nlandu, W.J., Kom’bele, D.G. et Bola, B.G.: Analyse spatiale du risque d’érosion sur le bassin versant de la rivière Kemi et impacts potentiels sur la sûreté des installations nucléaires de Kinshasa, RCSN, Vol. XXVI n°2, décembre 2012._x000D_
4. Ndembo L.J., Plummer N., Travi Y., Vitvar, T. (2011): Use of multiple environmental tracers in age interpretation of the Mont Amba aquifer, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (IAEA-CN-186-202. International Symposium on Isotope in Hydrology, Marine Ecosystems, and Climate Change Studies, Monaco, 27 march to 1 April 2011._x000D_
5. J.L. Ndembo, Y. Travi, L.M. Moyengo, J.N. Wabakaghanzi (2008) : Isotopes in precipitations of Kinshasa area: Moisture sources and groundwater tracing (IAEA–CN–151/136). International Symposium on “Advances In Isotope Hydrology And Its Role In Sustainable Water Resources Management” (Ihs–2007), Proceedings of a symposium, 21 – 25 May 2007, Vienna, Austria, Volume 1, pp. 279 – 287.
Other activities
1. Since 2003, CGEA-CREN-K and University of Kinshasa: Groundwater Management (characterization, evaluation, hydrodynamic and hydrokinematics with conventional and isotopic techniques) to improve access to drinking water for the population, preservation of health population and sustainable management of the resource._x000D_
2. Researcher and Head of Soil Physics and Hydrology Department at the General Commission of Atomic Energy, Kinshasa (DR Congo)._x000D_
3. Professor and Secretary in charge of education of the Department of natural resources management, Faculty of Agronomy._x000D_
4. UNCCD CST Bureau vice-chair representing african countries, 2012-2013
Organisation name
University of Kinshasa
Organisation city