Independent experts nominated by country party

Jing Long

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Job function
Chief Engineer of Desertif. Monitoring Center
Academy of Forest Inventory & Planning
Telephone number
86 10 64229944-3265
Work experience
1995-present: being mainly engaged in national desertification monitoring, taking charge of science and technology as chief engineer of division, mainlly directing remote sensing and GIS technique, and interpreting of image and mapping._x000D_
1991-1995: participated in project of UNDP CPR/91/151. Establishing National Forest Resources Monitoring Systems as director of remote sensing research. Being in charge of the project of forest disease and insect pests monitoring and evaluating at same time._x000D_
1986-1990: participated in National Seventh Five-year key project as technique manager on application of remote sensing. Working in monitoring and assessing of forest fire and other disasters._x000D_
1981-1985: participated in National Sixth five-year key project on remote sensing working in image processing and classification, and inventory and monitoring of forest resources.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Master Degree of Science, Remote Sensing of Natural Resources, Peking University, 1981.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Long Jing, 1997, The Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology to Desertification Monitoring. Proceedings of International Discusion about Forest Resources Monitoring, 35._x000D_
2. Long Jing, 1996, Monitoring of Pine Moth Disaster Using TM Image Data, Forest Resources Management, 1996(5), 74-76._x000D_
3. Long Jing, 1991, Improving Classification Precise of TM Image Using Context Method, Remote Sensing Research on Renewable Resources in Desert Oasis Regions, 33-36, China Forestry Publishing House._x000D_
4. Long Jing, Zhu Jinzhong, 1991. Method Research on Grassland Classification with TM Image in Desertification Region, Remote Sensing Research on Renewable Resources in Desert Oasis Region, 274-278, China Forestry Publishing House._x000D_
5. Kou Wenzheng, Long Jing, 1989, Evaluation of Forest Damage by Wind Using TM Data, Remote Sensing on National Land Resources, 1989(1).
Other activities
1. A Member of Chinese geography society._x000D_
2. A Member of Chinese Environmental Remote Sensing Society._x000D_
3. A Member of Chinese GIS Society.
1. The Second Award Prize of Science and Technology by Ministry of Forestry of PRC in 1992._x000D_
2. The Second Award Prize of Science and Technology by Ministry of Forestry of PRC in 1989._x000D_
3. The Third Award Prize of Science and Technology by Chinese Acad
Organisation name
Ministry of Forestry
Organisation street address
18 Hepingli Dongjie, 100714
Organisation city
Organisation country