Independent experts nominated by country party

Jinzhen Cao

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
United States of America
Job function
Telephone number
86 10 62337381
Work experience
During the fifteen years work in the area of wood science and technology, I advised or participated in many projects concerning wood physics, wood preservation and modification and wood-based materials, which included “the application of nanotechnology in water-borne wood preservatives”, “Water-borne wood preservation of plantation-grown Chinese fir”,__”Application of compression pretreatment to improve the liquid penetration of refractory wood species”, “The preparation of non-toxic anti-leaching boron-based wood preservatives”, “Interfacial compatibility of wood flour/polymer composites modified by coupling agents from dielectric approach” etc. _
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D.,Wood Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, 2001
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem. 2005. Microdistribution of Copper in Copper-Ethanolamine (Cu-EA) Treated Southern Yellow Pine (Pinus spp.) related to density distribution. Holzforschung. 59(1):82-89._x000D_
2. Jinzhen Cao, Manhua Xie, Guangjie Zhao. 2006. Tensile stress relaxation of copper-ethanolamine (Cu-EA) treated wood. Wood Science and Technology. 40(5):417-426._x000D_
3. Lili Yu, Jinzhen Cao, Guangjie Zhao. Tensile stress relaxation of wood impregnated with different ACQ formulations at various temperatures. Holzforschung, 2010, 64(1): 111-117._x000D_
4.Li Yan, Jinzhen Cao. Wei Gao, Xinyu Zhou, Guangjie Zhao. Interaction between glycerin and wood at various temperatures from stress relaxation approach. Wood Science and Technology, 2011,45:215-222. _x000D_
5.Lili Yu, Jinzhen Cao, Wei Gao,Haitao Su.Evaluation of ACQ-D treated Chinese fir and Mongolian Scots pine with different post-treatments after 20 months of exposure, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2011, 65: 585-590
Other activities
1. Executive committee member, International Research Group on Wood Protection (IRG/WP) _x000D_
2. D5 officeholder, International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO)_ _x000D_
3. Member, Society of Wood Science Technology (SWST) _x000D_
4. Vice-chair, Chinese Research Group on Wood Protection _x000D_
5. Executive committee member, Chinese Association on Wood Science
1. Top 100 Ph.D. Thesis in China Award, 2001_x000D_
2. IRG Ron Cockcroft Award
Organisation name
Beijing Forestry University
Organisation street address
Beijing Forestry University, Qinghua Eastroad 35, Haidian
Organisation city
Organisation country