Independent experts nominated by country party

Joaquin Melia

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Remote sensing
Atmospheric Sciences
Information Systems
Thematic Areas
Remote sensing
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Dr. in Physics
Thermodynamics Department
Telephone number
34 96 3983122/3864350
Work experience
Teaching activities on several topics in Earth Physics, at the Univerity of Valencia for 34 years. Coordinator of 48 Research Projects granted by National and EU institutions, all related with several topics of Environment: Desertification, Land degradation, Atmospheric pollution , etc.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. Doctorado en Ciencias Físicas (Nuclear Physics). Universitat de València. 1971
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. F.J.García -Haro, F.Belda, M.A.Gilabert, J.Meliá, A.Moreno, D.Poquet, A.Perez-Hoyos, D.Segarra. 2008. Monitoring drought conditions in trhe Iberian Peninsula using moderate and coarse resolution satellite data. 2nd MERIS./ATSR User Workshop.ESRIN Frascati . ESA SP-666 ISBN 978-92-9221-230-8. ISSN 1609-042 _x000D_
2. F.J.García, F.Camacho-de Coca, J.Meliá. 2008. Inter-comparison of SEVIRI/MSG and MERIS/ENVISAT biophysical parameters over Europe and Africa. 2nd MERIS./ATSR User Workshop.ESRIN Frascati . ESA SP-666 ISBN 978-92-9221-230-8. ISSN 1609-042_x000D_
3. Francisco Javier García-Haro, Fernando Camacho-de Coca and Joaquín Meliá. 2006. Retrieving leaf area index from multi-angular airbone data. Annales of Geophysics, Vol.49, N.1, February 2006, pp. 209-218._x000D_
4. A.Calera, J.González-Piqueras and J.Meliá. 2004. Monitoring barley and corn growth from remote sensing data at field scale. Int.J.Remote Sensing, 10 January, 2004 Vol. 25, nº. 1, 97-109 _x000D_
5. F.Camacho-de Coca. F.J. García-Haro, M.A.Gilabert and J.Meliá. 2004. Vegetation cover seasonal changes assessment from TM imagery in a semi-arid landscape. Int. J. Remote Sensing, Vol. 25, Nº 17
1. Spanish representative in the World Climate Research Programme_x000D_
2. Honor member of the Asociación Española de Teledetección
Organisation name
Universitat de València
Organisation street address
Universitat de Valencia_x000D_
Facultat de Física, Dr. Moliner, 50, 46100
Organisation city
Burjassot (Valencia)
Organisation country