Independent experts nominated by country party
José Bueno Conti
First name
José Bueno
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences
Job function
Professor Titular
Dept of Geography
Telephone number
55 11 2102217
Work experience
Desertification is one of the modalities concerning the alterations of the natural conditions be it a result of large scale climatic changes or a product of the relationship between society and nature included, in this case, among the object of Ecogeography._x000D_
The major interest is on the tropical zone and in it the Brazilian semi-arid region that we have studied and exposed as an example, pointing out and analysing its most critical areas._x000D_
We have applied the statistical methodology of the temporal series, being submitted to the calculations of moving averages or linear filtration to the Spectral analysis of Fourier and to the evaluation of the interannual variability, seeking tendences, relevant ciclicities and coefficient of variations.
The major interest is on the tropical zone and in it the Brazilian semi-arid region that we have studied and exposed as an example, pointing out and analysing its most critical areas._x000D_
We have applied the statistical methodology of the temporal series, being submitted to the calculations of moving averages or linear filtration to the Spectral analysis of Fourier and to the evaluation of the interannual variability, seeking tendences, relevant ciclicities and coefficient of variations.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. in Climatology, Orographic Rainfall, University of Sao Paulo, 1973_x000D_
Post Doctorate, Livre Docencia, Climatology (Desertification), USP, 1995
Post Doctorate, Livre Docencia, Climatology (Desertification), USP, 1995
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Conti, J.B. 1975. Circulacao secundaria e efeito orografico na genese das chuva na regiao ENE paulista. 82 p. Instituto de Geografia. Univ. de Sao Paulo. Sau Paulo._x000D_
2. Conti, J.B. 1986. A desertificacao como tema de estudo da Geografia Fisica. Boletim Paulista de Geografia no. 63:13-21._x000D_
3. Conti, J.B. 1989. O meio amibente tropical. Geografia 14 (28):69-79._x000D_
4. Conti, J.B. and Furlan, S.A. 1996. Geoecologia. O clima, os solos e a biota. Pags. 67-207 in Geografia do Brasil. EDUSP, Sao Paulo._x000D_
5. Conti, J.B. 1997. A Geografia Fisica e as relacoes sociedade/natureza no mundo tropical. Humanitas, Sao Paulo.
2. Conti, J.B. 1986. A desertificacao como tema de estudo da Geografia Fisica. Boletim Paulista de Geografia no. 63:13-21._x000D_
3. Conti, J.B. 1989. O meio amibente tropical. Geografia 14 (28):69-79._x000D_
4. Conti, J.B. and Furlan, S.A. 1996. Geoecologia. O clima, os solos e a biota. Pags. 67-207 in Geografia do Brasil. EDUSP, Sao Paulo._x000D_
5. Conti, J.B. 1997. A Geografia Fisica e as relacoes sociedade/natureza no mundo tropical. Humanitas, Sao Paulo.
Other activities
1. Membership in the Associacao de Geografia Teoretica, Rio Claro, Brazil_x000D_
2. Membership in the Sociedade Brasiliera de Meteorologia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil_x000D_
3. Membership of Associcao Brasileira de Estudos do Quaternario (ABEGUA), Sao Paulo, Brazil
2. Membership in the Sociedade Brasiliera de Meteorologia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil_x000D_
3. Membership of Associcao Brasileira de Estudos do Quaternario (ABEGUA), Sao Paulo, Brazil
Organisation name
Universidade de S. Paulo
Organisation street address
Caixa Postal 2530, CEP 05508-900
Organisation city
Sao Paulo
Organisation country