Independent experts nominated by country party

José de Jesús Martínez Hernández

First name
José de Jesús
Last name
Martínez Hernández
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
San Luis Potosi Campus
Telephone number
52 496 30240
Work experience
- Researcher at the Postgraduate College in Agricultural Sciences-San Luis Potosi Campus. 1996 to date._x000D_
- Adviser of 3 bachelor degree level thesis and 3 doctorate lecel thesis._x000D_
- Lecturer (during the last four years) of 45 conferences by invitation of State and federal Governmental Agencies, related with Agricultrual Research and Education.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B. Sc. in Agicultural Engineering, Soils Specialist, National School of Agriculture, Chapingo Autonomous University, Mexico, 1975_x000D_
M. Sc. in Soils at the Postgraduate College in Agricultural Sciences, Montecillo, Mexico, 1978_x000D_
Ph. D. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Israel, 1992
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Bar Yosef, Martinez H.J.J., B. Sagiv, Y. Levkovitchi, T. Markovitch, C.J. Phene, 1990. Processing tomato response to surface and subsurface drip phosporous fertigation. Scientific reports. Bard Bet Dagan, Israel._x000D_
2. Martinez, H.J.J., Bar Yosef, U. Kafkafi. 1990. effect of surface and subsurface dripfertigation on sweet corn rooting, uptake, dry matter production and yield. Scientific Reports. ARO Bard Bet Dagan, Israel._x000D_
3. Marinez, H.J.J. 1993. Tomato reponses to urea and ammonium nitrate applied via DRIP irrigation. IV International Conference for Arid Zones Development. Mexico, D.F. July 25-30 1993._x000D_
4. Martinez, H.J.J. 1995. The Research in arid and semiarid regions. Workshop: Integral Development of Arid Zones. Fovernment of San Luis Potosi State. November 19-21, pp. 22-24_x000D_
5. Martinez, H.J.J., Torres, A.M., Becerra R.J.J., Calderon, P.N. 1994. Production of vegetable, forestry and fruit plants under a semicommercial hydroponical module. Memorials of the
Other activities
- Instructor of a Higher Course of Soil and Water Conservation at the Postgradute College Montecillos, Mexico, 1992._x000D_
- Coordinator and instructor in a course on Forest Plantations, Imparted at 10 countries of San Luis Potosi State. SEDESOL, Mexico, 1994._x000D_
- Instructor of course about Agricultural Development in Arid Zones. Hydroponic. CECCAM, Morelos. February 2-3 1996._x000D_
- Instructor of course "Agricultural Methods at unwatered lands" URUZA, Autonomous Chapingo University_x000D_
- Local Coordinator in the II International Symposium and III Reunion on Sustainable Agriculture. Postgraduate College of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 1996
Organisation name
Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agricolas
Organisation street address
José Ma. Velazco N° 26_x000D_
Organisation city
Organisation country