Independent experts nominated by country party

José Nlandu Wabakhangazi

First name
Last name
Nlandu Wabakhangazi
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Information Systems
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken



Job function
Senior Researcher
Department of Soils Physic and Hydrology
Telephone number
00 243 998165277 / 0898068066
Work experience
- Lead the field works. (Hydrochemistry, surface Hydrology, Soil Physic…)_x000D_
- Make programme of campaigns: water sampling and in-situ analysis of physics and chemicals parameters._x000D_
- Coordinate activities of quality assurance and quality control in the laboratory of Soils Physic and Hydrology._x000D_
- Train students of Kinshasa University and Kongo University in practical works (Hydrology, Hydrogeology, GIS and Remote sensing and Biogeochemistry)._x000D_
- Interest in how future changes to the Congo Basin such as anthropogenic (e.g. deforestation, mining) or climatic change (e.g. global warming) will impact on the ecosystem biogeochemistry
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ingénieur en Hydrologie, Bilan hydrique sur sol nu du jardin expérimental du Mont-Amba,.Ecole Supérieure d’Hydrologie Appliquée (Kinshasa - RDC), 1994.
Publication titles
1. Nlandu W.J., Makoko M.L., Ndembo L.J. and J.A. Mbemba., (2004) : Hydrological study of Mpioka basin. In « Research Basins and Hydrological Planning, Hefei City, China, 22-31 March 2004» (Ru-Ze Xi, Wei-Zu Gu, Klaus-Peter Seiler eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London. pp. 259-264_x000D_
2. Nlandu W.J., Makoko M.L., Ndembo L.J. (2004): Streamflow gauging of Mpioka using dilution method (Bas-Congo/RDC). International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology and Integrated Water Resources Management, 19 –23 May 2003, AIEA, Vienna, Austria, pp.320-321._x000D_
3. L. Ndembo, Y. Travi, L.M. Moyengo, J.N. Wabakanghanzi (2008): Isotopes in precipitations of Kinshasa area: Moisture sources and groundwater tracing (IAEA–CN–151/136). International Symposium on “Advances In Isotope Hydrology And Its Role In Sustainable Water Resources Management” (Ihs–2007), Proceedings of a symposium, 21 – 25 May 2007, Vienna, Austria, Volume 1, pp. 279 – 287._x000D_
4. Robert G. M. Spencer, Aron Stubbins, Peter J. Hernes, Andy Baker,Kenneth Mopper, Anthony K. Aufdenkampe, Rachael Y. Dyda, Vincent L. Mwamba, Arthur M. Mangangu, Jose N. Wabakanghanzi, and Johan Six (2009): Photochemical degradation of dissolved organic matter and dissolved lignin phenols from the Congo River. J. Geophys. Res., 114, G03010, doi:10.1029/2009JG000968._x000D_
5. Ndembo L.J., Mfumu K.A., Lukanda M.V., Nlandu W.J., Mukendi K.A. et Kom’bele G.D. (2012) : Apport des informations spatiales à la gestion intégrée du bassin versant : Cas du bassin versant de la Funa, à Kinshasa / R.D. Congo. Rév. Cong. Sci. Nucl. Vol. N°26. pp. 180 – 191.
Other activities
1. Team member of GLOBAL RIVERS OBSERVATORY _x000D_
3. Expert in Environmental impacts assessment (DEMCO, SPRL) _x000D_
4. Teacher at CONGO UNIVERSITY (Hydrology, Hydraulic and fluids mechanic and Rural Engineering) _x000D_
5. Participation in International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) activities
Organisation name
University of Kinshasa
Organisation street address
Congo Atomic Energy Commission_x000D_
Campus of Kinshasa University Lemba Township, P.O. Box 868, XI
Organisation city