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Independent experts nominated by country party

Juan Jesus Torres Guevara

First name
Juan Jesus
Last name
Torres Guevara
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken


Job function
Centro de zonas aridas
Telephone number
51 1 463-9269 / 261-4374
Work experience
1. Consultant - PREDES - FONCODES, in Apurímac, Peru Watersheds (1994-1995)._x000D_
2. Consultant - GRADE - BID. Environment impact (1995-1996)._x000D_
3. Consultant - Contrevalue fund Perú - Canadá. Watersheds 1996._x000D_
4. Consultant - PNUD. Biodiversity, In situ conservation of native plants genetic resources in Peru, 1997-1998._x000D_
5. Scientific assessor and coordinator of the CCTA (Coordinadora de Ciencia y Tecnología en los Andes) watershed team, since 1993._x000D_
6. Consultant - INRENA, Desertification. PNACD 1993._x000D_
7. Consultant - INRENA, Desertification. PAN 1996. Watershed management consultant._x000D_
Activity: Consultant on Environmental impact, DesertIfication projects, and Biodiversity in situ conservation of genetic resources._x000D_
Consultor en Gestión de Microcuencas._x000D_
Consultor en Proyectos de Impacto Ambiental._x000D_
Consultor en Proyectos de Desertificación._x000D_
onsultor en Diversidad Biológica. Conservación in-situ de Recursos Fitogenéticos.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1. Biologist - Ecologist, National Agrarian University of La Molina (UNALM), 1977._x000D_
3. MSc, Sciences, Arid Land Ecology, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), 1987.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. What can we do to arrest natural resources degradation in Piura, Peru? F. Ebert Foundation, Lima, 1997._x000D_
2. Deserts, mountains and forests: Knowing means loving. Lima, ILLA, SER, 1995._x000D_
3. Sustainable Development Proposal for the Highlands Watersheds of Aymaraes and Antabamba, Provinces of Apurimac. CCTA, Lima, 1995._x000D_
4. Conservation and use of the renewable natural resources of the Peruvian Mountain. Series: Recompilation series and thematic bibliography analysis, No.5, CCTA, 1994._x000D_
5. Guide to design a monitoring system. Lima, Catholic Relief Service, 1993.
Other activities
1. Coordinator of Arid Land Investigation Center of the National Agrarian University, La Molina (CIZA-UNALM)_x000D_
2. Directory member, Peruvian Institute of Scientific Research (IPIC)_x000D_
3. Directory member, Permanent Seminary of Agrarian Research (SEPIA)_x000D_
4. Founding member, Peruvian Ecology Association (APE)
Organisation name
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Organisation street address
Av. La Universidad s/n
Organisation city
La Molina-Lima
Organisation country