Independent experts nominated by country party

Laurent Auclair

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken



Job function
Chargé de Recherche
Telephone number
33 491 10 63 61 / 475906042
Work experience
I worked for five years in Tunisia (1993-1998) on a pluridisciplinary research program (DYPEN: Dynamique des populations et environnement). The central object was the relationships between population (demographical factors) and environment (ecological factors) in rural areas of Tunisia. In this Framework, my personal research dealt with methodogical approaches of population - environment object, Natural resource management, particulary property rights in forest areas.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Doctor in rural economy: "Fuelwood and rural societies in Morroco" Ecole Nationale Nationale Agronomique de Montpellier (France), 1991.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1.Auclair L., Ben Cheikh K., Laajili-Ghezal L., Pontanier R. Usages des ressources sylvopastorales et systèmes de production dans le Haut Tell tunisien. In Agricultural research and development at the crossroads : merging systems research and social actor approaches. , A. Budelman (dir.), Royal Tropical Institute the Netherlands, Amsterdam, 1996, pp 55 - 68._x000D_
2.Auclair L., Laajili Ghezal L., Pontanier R. Population - Environment relationships in the Tunisia High Tell. In Population and environment in arid regions, John CLARCK and Daniel NOIN (dir.), UNESCO / PARTHENON PUBLISHING GROUP (ED.), MAN AND BIOSPHERE SERIES, VOL 19, SECT. II, 1997, pp 133 - 148._x000D_
3.Auclair L. Les ressources sylvopastorales au Maghreb : structure segmentaire et appropriation communautaire. In Sociétés rurales et environnement. G. Rossi, Ph. Lavigne Delville et D. Narbeburu (dir.), Kharthala – Regards – Gret (ed.), Paris, 1998, pp. 123 – 140._x000D_
4. Auclair L. De part et d'autre de la Méditerranée, la forêt. Autrep
Other activities
- IASCP (International Association for the Study of Common Property)_x000D_
- AIFM (Association Internationale "Forêts Méditerranéennes")
Organisation name
Institut de recherche pour le Développement
Organisation street address
Laboratoire Population-Environnment (LPE)_x000D_
Université de Provence/IR, 13331
Organisation city
Organisation country