Independent experts nominated by country party

Lêdo Bezerra Sá

First name
Last name
Bezerra Sá
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Soil Science
Information Systems
Job function
Telephone number
55 81 8621711
Work experience
My activities have been devoted to agricultural research in the Brazilian semi-arid region with emphasis on its natural resources. The main research lines are the characterization, mapping, inventory and diagnosis of the natural and agrosocioeconomical picture and of the environmental degradation processes._x000D_
We have been using recent techniques of remote sensing and information systems. Among the projects carried out the main ones are the following.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B.Sc Forestry, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, 1980._x000D_
MSc. Remote Sensing, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, 1990_x000D_
DSc. Geoprocessing, Universidade Politécnica de Madrid, 1999
Number of Publications
Publication titles
SÁ, Iêdo Bezerra (1999) Integración de información ambiental mediante teledección y sistema de información geográfica para la identificación de procesos de desertificación, UNIVERSIDAD POLITCNICA DE MADRID (Tese de Doutorado), 197p. Madrid Spain._x000D_
SÁ, Iêdo Bezerra (1991), Aplicação de Caatinga: estudo de caso, Petolina, PE): INPE-INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS ESPACIALS. (Dissertacao de Mestrado) São José dos Campos - SP Brazil._x000D_
SA Iedo Bezeraa, FOTTUS, Georges André, RICHÉ, Gilles Robert (1994) Degradação ambiental e reabilitação natural no Trópico semi-árido brasileiro. In Conferencia Nacional Ee seminario Latino Americano da desertificaçao, v.1 Fortaleza, ce Anais da Conf. Nacional e seminario Latino Americano da desertificaçao Brasilia: Seplain._x000D_
SÁ, Iêdo Bezerra, FOTIUS, Georges André, Riché, Gilles
Other activities
Coordinator of National Research Program of Embrapa, from 1990 - 1991;_x000D_
Technical Director of Embrapa Semi-Arido, from 1991 - 1993_x000D_
Coordinator of the National Network Technical Cooperation in Arid and Semi-arid Zones (PNUMA/FAO, from 1993 - 1995_x000D_
Membership of Spanish Association of Remote Sensing from 1997
Laureate for my doctor's Dissertation in "Universiad Politénica de Madrid - Spain 1999
Organisation street address
BR 428 KM 152 Zona Rural C.P.23 - CEP 56300-970_x000D_
Organisation city
Organisation country