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Independent experts nominated by country party

Leopoldo Diaz Pineda

First name
Last name
Diaz Pineda
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken



Job function
Executive Director
Telephone number
50 4 221-06-84
Work experience
-awareness in modern and in “slash and burn” agricultural forms, its derived problems and unsustainable ecological effects like inclusively climatic changes, in early stadiums in his professional activities_x000D_
-studying systematization of agrarian systems, its evolution in time (benchmarks) and the synchronically and diachronical linkages between different systems,_x000D_
-Knowledge of etiology and anthropogenic causes of desertification and drought in the world, and its sociological effects like deforestation, erosion, loss of biodiversity, biomass and water, increase of unemployed, migration and poverty_x000D_
-produce Programs and Projects, giving possible solutions to be applied with economy of financial resources to institutions involved in this pacific war
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
-Diplome d'Etudes Superieurs Specialisséss (DESS) in Agriculture Développment, 1977-1978_x000D_
-Doctorar de Troisième Cycle (Diplome de III Cycle) in Développment Agricole, Economie Comparée et Histoire de Civilisationnes Agraires, with focus in agraire evolution systems: Géneese, développment, raise, crise and fall: 1978-1980_x000D_
Masters's Degree in Agricultural Economcs, Agricultural Economic School, Chapingo Post-Graduates College of Mexico; 1970-1971_x000D_
-Agricultural Engineering, Monterrey Tech. Insti
Number of Publications
Publication titles
-Nuevos Colonos en la Biosfera del Río Plátano: problematica, políticas y estrategias de Corto y Mediano Plazos para reducer su instalación. GTZ/GFA “ Terra System”, Proyecto de Conservación de la Biosfera del Río Plátano, p. 30 , 2002_x000D_
-Propuesta de Creación de un Banco de Tierras en el corredor fronterizo Sur-Occidetnal de Honduras / El Salvador. FAO/SERNA/INA. P. 48, 1997_x000D_
-La cuestión de la lena en La Virtutd, Lempira, FAO, p. 18, 1996_x000D_
-Bases conceptuales para la introducción de tecnologías apropiadas en las zonas de San José y Lajas y de San Jerónimo-Comayagua, con desescalmiento de tecnologías modernas y participación active de la mujer campesina en la revolución agrícola a través de la suppression de los barecheos. Central Nacional de Trabajadores del Campo (CNTC), p. 36, 1993_x000D_
-Evolución de los sistemas agrarios del Valle del Aguán, y Memoria del Taller de Formación en Seguridad Alimentaria, IRAM de Paris / CADESCA-Guatemala/CEE/GOH, p. 60, 1990
Other activities
-organic horticultural producer_x000D_
-Initial partner, and ex-President of Honduran Ecologist Association_x000D_
-Active Member and speaker in Agronomical engineers and economists associations,_x000D_
-strong contacts with SERNA; SAG; SETCO; COHDEFOR; SANAA; ENEE; Min. de Educación, INFOP; PNUD; FAO; PRAAC-UE; BID; COSUDE; FIDA; GTZ; Coop. Holandesa para el desarollo, Sweden Gov., Gobs. of France and Spain, UNCCD, etc.
-Special Consultant in Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment” and in Ministry of Agriculture in Honduras
Organisation name
Forest Research Institute
Organisation street address
Virgilio Zelaya Rubí Ave,_x000D_
Edificio Bermúdez,_x000D_
2 Floor,_x000D_
Castanos Sur
Organisation city
Organisation country