Independent experts nominated by country party

Liding Chen

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Information Systems
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Deputy Director
State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology,Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences
Telephone number
86 10 62943840
Work experience
Since 1990s, I have been working on landscape restoration, ecosystem management and soil erosion control, e.g. land use evaluation, sustainable land use planning, ecosystem service assessment, landscape pattern design and management. In late 1990s, I participated in a joint project supported by EU, and collaborated with the scientists from the Netherlands and Sweden. The primary objectives of this project to find a promising land use model in the Loess Plateau by integrating land use evaluation, soil erosion modeling and public participation. I was mainly in charge of the land use evaluation and sustainable planning. After then, I have finished two key project on watershed ecosystem management in the semi-loess hilly in western Loess Plateau by considering both local farmers’ needs and environmental conservation, as the principal investigator. In these project, large field survey was conducted, including investigation on land use types, on-site measurements on soil water, soil erosion, runoff and biomass.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D on Landscape Ecology ( 2001), the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science M.Sc on Applied Momorphology and Engineering Geology (1997) from ITC (International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Science, The Netherlands); _x000D_
M.Sc on Cartography (1988), Institute of Geography of Chinese Academy of Science; _x000D_
B.Sc on Geomorphology and Quaternary Geography(1985), Peking University
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Chen Liding, Guo Shuhai and Jiang Changliang. 2006. Ecosystem Assessment and Ecological Security along the West-To-East Pipeline Project (PetroChina). Beijing: Science Press._x000D_
2. Chen Liding, Wang Jiping, Wei Wei, Fu Bojie, Wu Dongping. 2010. Effects of Landscape Restoration on Soil Water Storage and Water Use in the Loess Plateau Region, China. Forest Ecology and Management. 259(7): 1291-1298._x000D_
3. Chen Liding, Wei Wei, Fu Bojie and LüYihe. 2007. Soil and water conservation on the Loess Plateau in China: review and perspective. Progress in Physical Geography, 31(4):389–403._x000D_
4. Chen Liding, Huang Zhilin, Gong Jie, Fu Boje and Huang Yilong. 2007. The effect of land cover/vegetation on soil water dynamic in the hilly area of the loess plateau, China. Catena, 70(2): 200-208._x000D_
5. Chen Liding, I. Messing, Zhang Shurong, Fu Bojie and S. Ledin. 2003. Land use evaluation and scenario analysis towards sustainable planning on the Loess Plateau in China. Catena, 54(1-2):303-316.
Other activities
1.Secretary-in-general of Ecological Society of China _x000D_
2.Secretary-in-general of China-Chapter, International Association of Landscape Ecology _x000D_
3.Vice-director of Committee of Physical Geography, Chinese Association of Geographiers_x000D_
4.Member of Work Group of LUCC, CNC-IGBP
1.The Fellowship of Outstanding Youngth Scientist Fund of NSFC (2009) _x000D_
2. The 2nd National Award of Natural Sciences of China (2005) _x000D_
3. The 2nd Provincial Award of Sciences and Technology of Gansu Province (2007)
Organisation name
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organisation street address
Shuangqing Road 18, Haidian District
Organisation city
Organisation country