Independent experts nominated by country party

Liebao Han

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Plant Science
Agricultural Sciences
Soil Science
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Turfgrass Sciences
Telephone number
86 10 62337982
Work experience
Dedicated to the researches on turfgrass management and vegetation recovery along bare sloping areas. Bring up the new concept of the comprehensive water-saving method with the combination of plant, water, engineering and management. Created the technological system of water consumption in city green areas based on the drought-resistant plant selection, the plant water consumption and irrigation system and the use of recycled water for city irrigation. Through researches on the plant selection, the irrigation machinery, the irrigation materials and technological standards, solved the problem of the vegetation recovery along different types of bare sloping areas.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Bachelor Turfgrass Sciences Gansu Agricultural University 1987, Master Turfgrass Sciences Gansu Agricultural University 1990, PHD Turfgrass Sciences China Agricultural University 1996.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Han Liebao, 1999, Turfgrass Species And Varieties, China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing_x000D_
2. Han Liebao, 1999, Handbook of Turf Establishment And Management, China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing_x000D_
3. Han Liebao, 2004, Athletic Field Turfgrass, China Agriculture Press, Beijing_x000D_
4. Han Liebao, 2004, Golf Course Turfgrass, China Agriculture Press, Beijing _x000D_
5. Han Liebao, 2004, Handbook For Golf Course Turfgrass Superintendent, China Agriculture Press, Beijing
Other activities
1. International Turfgrass Society, Standing Director_x000D_
2. Turfgrass Committee of Chinese Grassland Society, Associate Director _x000D_
3. Committee on the Teaching of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences In Higher Educational Institutions Of The Ministry Of Education, Committee Member_x000D_
4. Course Committee of China Golf Association, Associate Director_x000D_
5. Professional Committee on Project Virescence of Chinese Society Of Soil And Water Conservation, Associate Director
1. National Award for Scientific and Technological Progress_x000D_
2. Beijing Municipal Award for Scientific and Technological Progress_x000D_
3. China Science and Technology Award of Forestry for Young People
Organisation name
Beijing Forestry University
Organisation street address
P.O. Box 116, Beijing Forestry University, No.35 Qinghua East Road,, 100083
Organisation city
Organisation country