Independent experts nominated by country party

Liliya Dimeyeva

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Plant Science
Natural Resource Management
Vegetation Dynamics
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Laboratory of Geobotany
Telephone number
+7 727 3948040
Work experience
1.Evaluation of desertification processes in the Syr-Darya river delta (UNESKO, 1994-2000)._x000D_
2.Green Shelter belt in the surroundings of Aralsk town (UNDP, 1995)._x000D_
3.Study of separate territories in Kazakstan with the goal of creation of Biosphere reserves (1996-1997, jointly with NABU, Germany)._x000D_
4.Investigation of successions of vegetation in the Aral dried seabed for sustainable land-use (jointly with Bielefeld University, BMBF/Bonn, Germany,1998-2000)._x000D_
5.Evaluation of environment along pipeline of CPC - Caspian Pipeline Consortium (Dames&Moor, 1998)._x000D_
6.Çukurova Delta Biosphere Reserve: Determination of Biological Diversity and Initiating a Programme for Sustainable development. (Adana/Turkey, 2000)._x000D_
7.Rehabilitation of oilfield Uzen/ the eastern Caspian coast (World Bank, Ecology&Environment- Kazakhstan, 2000-2003)._x000D_
8.Combating desertification and rehabilitation of the salt deserts in the region at the Aral Sea (jointly with Bielefeld University, BMBF-GTZ CCD 2002-2004)._x000D_
9.Research of the Vegetation Cover of the Seyhan River Basin in the Point of View of Floristic and Vegetation (TUBITAK-TOGTAG-JPN-7 /Turkey, 2005) _x000D_
10.Green Shelter Belts around Kaukey and Karateren villages/Aral region (AEON Environmental Foundation /Japan, 2005-2006; Japan Fund for Global Environment, 2005-2008).
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D., Biology. Institute of Botany Academy of Sciences of Kazakstan. Alma-Ata, March 1990. Dissertation title: “Flora and _x000D_
vegetation of the Aral Sea coast”._x000D_
M.S., Geobotany. Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute. Russia. 1980. Thesis title: ”Productivity _x000D_
of overground phytomass in sagebrush-saltwort ecosystems of island Barsakelmes (the Aral Sea)”.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Dimeyeva L. (2001) Methods of Conservation and Restoration of Vegetation Cover on the Aral Sea Coast // Sustainable Land Use in Deserts. Springer-Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg. 69-73 pp._x000D_
2. Dimeyeva L. (2003) Restoration of the Aral Sea coastal rangelands // Proceedings of VII Int. Rangeland Congress. 26 July – 1 August, 2003. Durban/ South Africa.1148-1151 pp._x000D_
3. Dimeyeva L. (2005) Plant strategies and revegetation of degraded rangelands in the Aral Sea region // Ökologische Forschung im globalen Kontext (Ecological research in a global context). M.Veste, W.Wucherer & J.Homeier (eds). Göttingen: Cuviller. 141-148 pp. _x000D_
4. Dimeyeva L. (2007) Primary successions in the new Aral Sea shore // Basic and Applied Dryland research. N1. 1-16 pp. http://www.badr-online.de_x000D_
5. Dimeyeva L. (2008) Geobotanical aspects of irrigative desertification of the Syrdarya river valley //Geographic problems of sustainable development: theory and practice. Almaty. 444-454 pp. (in Russian)
Other activities
1. Russian Botanical Society_x000D_
2. National Committee of UNESCO MAB Programme
1.Travel grant (1996, Soros Foundation)._x000D_
2.ISAR/USAID Foundation, 1997, Project: “Aralsk will be green again (planting trees with local population)”(supervisor)_x000D_
3.GEF/SGP, 1998-1999, Project “Oasis”- restoration and conservation of biodiversity of Tamarix and Haloxylon ecosystems ”(supervisor)_x000D_
4.John D. and Catherine T. McArthur Foundation, 2002-2003, individual grant #02-73094-000-GSS. Project “Theoretical basis and methods of conservation and restoration of vegetation in the Aral Sea region”
Organisation name
Institute of Botany
Organisation street address
36 “D”timyryazev Str.0500040
Organisation city
Organisation country