Independent experts nominated by country party

Liming Jia

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Job function
Associate Professor
The College of Forest Resources & Environment
Telephone number
86 10 623 381 28/384 61
Work experience
1. I am mainly engaged in the education and scientific research work now. As a teacher, I taught Silviculture to the college students of many subjects in the university. My research activities were concentrated mostly on the plantation Silviculture theory and technology of mixed plantations. _x000D_
2. The projects I have finished:_x000D_
- The mechanisms of interaction among tree species in the mixed stands. Major project, 1993-1997, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Major Member;_x000D_
- A study on sustainable development of urban forestry in Beijing. Major project, 1996-1998, supported by Beijing Bureau of Forestry and the Ministry of Forestry, Major Member;_x000D_
- The forest regeneration of great forest fire district in the northern of Daxinan Mountain. Major project, 1990-1992, supported by the Ministry of Forestry, Participator;_x000D_
3. The projects which are being carried out:_x000D_
- Mechanism of the interaction between tree species in rhizosphere nutrient transfer in the mixed
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Agricultural Bachelor, Forest Science, Beijing Forestry University, 1990_x000D_
Master & Ph.D., Silviculture, Beijing Forestry University, 1996
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Jia, L., Fang, L., et al, 1998: Decomposition of leaf litter in pure and mixed stands of poplar and black locust, Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 9 (5): 463-467;_x000D_
2. Shen, G., Jia, L., Zhai, M., 1998: The soil amelioration effect on poplar black locust mixed plantation on sand soil and the interaction of mutual supplement of nutrient between tree species, Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 34 (5) 12-20;_x000D_
3. Jia, L., Zhai, M., Zhi, X., et al, 1997: Growth and yield of the mixed stands of poplar and black locust. Researches on mixed forest plantations. Proceedings of the symposium on mixed forest plantations and interactions among tree species. Shen Guofang et al edited, Beijing, China Forestry Publishing House: 11-17;_x000D_
4. Jia, L., Zhai, M., Yin, W., 1996: The bioassay of allelopathy in the mixed stands of Chinese pine and Asian white birch, Journal of Beijing Forest University, 18 (4): 1-8;_x000D_
5. Jia, L., Zhai, M., Yin, W., 1995: The study of allelopathy in the mixture of Pintus Tabulaeformi
Other activities
Member, Beijing Society of Forestry
Organisation name
Beijing Forestry University
Organisation street address
Oinghuadong Road 35, 100083
Organisation city
Organisation country