Independent experts nominated by country party

Luca Montanarella

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Agricultural sciences
Information technologies (including remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS))
Soil science
Thematic Areas
Integrated natural resources management
Remote sensing
Science policy analysis
UN languages spoken




Geographical Focus
European Union
Job function
Senior Expert
Joint Research Centre Directorate D - Sustainable Resources Land Resources and Supply Chain Assessments Unit
Telephone number
+39 332 785349
Work experience
Scientific officer of the European Commission in charge of the project of the Joint Research Centre reposnible for the activities of the European Soil Bureau. Main experience in large soil data bases, soil mapping and soil degradation assessment.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Laurea in scienze agrarie, Agricultural sciences, University of Perugia, 1984
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1.M. Grimm, R. Jones, L. Montanarella, "Soil erosion risk in euroe"; Techn. Eur report, Eur 19939 En. 2001_x000D_
2. L. Montanarella, "The euroean soil information system (EUSIS)", In Desertification Convention: Data and Information Requirements for Interdisciplinary research", G. Enne, D. Peter, D. Pottier (Eds), EUR 19496 EN, 2001._x000D_
3. P. Zdruli, P. Steduto, C. Lacirignola, L. Montanarella, "Soil resources of southern and eastern mediterranean countries", options. Mediterraneennes, serie B. studies and research, Nr. 34, 286 pages, 2001._x000D_
4. R. Lahmar, M. Held, L. Montanarella (Eds.), "People Matter, Food Security and soils", Editions charles Leopold mayer, Paris, 151 pages, 2002 (in print)_x000D_
5. L. Montanarella, R. Paracchini, E. Rusco, "Programme d'action pour la lutte contre la secheresse et la desertification: Indications des zones vulnerables dans la region de puglia", EUR 19590 FR, 34 pages 2000.
Other activities
Member of the International Union of Soil Sciences
Organisation name
European Commission
Organisation nature
Organisation street address
European Commission - Joint Research Centre
Sustainable Resources Land Resources and Supply Chain Assessments Unit
Via E. Fermi, 2749

Organisation city
Ispra (VA)
Organisation post code
Organisation country
European Union