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Independent experts nominated by country party

Lucas Serage

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Agricultural sciences
Other Disciplines
1. Agronomy 2. Agro-Climatology 3. Crop Physiology. 4. Socio-Economy
Thematic areas: Agriculture, Agronomy
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
South Africa
Job function
Sasol base Chemicals - Fertilizer
Telephone number
Work experience
 Practical knowledge of Participatory Rural Appraisal, conducted PRAs in many communities.
 Worked as a resource person and facilitator in workshops for extension workers and farmers.
 Participated in rural appraisal project in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Field study under the auspices of ICRA (International Centre for Development Oriented Research in Agriculture) based in Netherlands.
 Project management of Sustainable Rural Livelihood projects of ARC - Small Grain Institute (personnel, budget, programmes and reporting, 2004-2005).
 Conducting wheat cultivar environmental adaptation trials across deferent regions of South Africa.
Russian Wheat Aphids and Yellow Rust monitoring on germ plasms tested in Eastern Free State and in Lesotho.
 Visiting lecture - Glen Agricultural College.
 Participating in Crop Estimation Committee field surveys, wheat and maize.
 Knowledge of crop yield simulation modelling, and Understanding knowledge of climate variability effects on crop production.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
University of Free State 2016 - 2017: Masters. Disaster Risk, Management (Pending) - Disaster management and -Agro meteorology
University of Free State 1998 - 2000:Masters. Agric. Management - Agricultural Management
University of Pretoria 1996 - 1996: B. Agric Honours Plant Production - Plant Production
University of Limpopo 1993 - 1995: B. Agric Management - Plant Production

Publication titles
1. Master’s Thesis: University of Free State (Pending), Year 2017
Evaluating Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Disaster Risk Management: Case Study for Bethlehem Wheat Farmers, South Africa. (Pending)
2. Master’s Thesis: University of Free State, Year 2001
Possible predictors that determine the adoption of Potatoes into a Wheat based cropping system in Mokhotlong, Lesotho.
3. Research report: ICRA, Year 2001Rural Livelihood and Land degradation in the Herschel District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa:Options for Sustainable Land Management.
4. Research report: Egerton University – CMRT, Year 1999 Effects of variety, weeding frequency and nitrogen on maize grain yield in Oyugis. Kenya.
5. Research report: University of Pretoria, Year 1996 Effect of water stress on germination and seedling development of two traditional landraces of
Sorghum (sorghum bicolor) Mabelethoro and Tirimane.
Other activities
1. Member of the Steering Committee, South Africa - European Union, Research Funding project
in 1998 –1999.
2. South African Local Counterpart for the ICRA (of Netherlands) field study, Eastern Cape
3. Member of the Southern and Eastern African Association for Farming Systems Research-Extension
(SEAAFSRE) 1997-2002
4. Member of South African Society of Crop Production (SASCP) 1997 2007
Organisation nature
Organisation street address
50 Katherine Street
Organisation city
Organisation country
South Africa